今天,在技术分析领域,从 BELOBABA 首席投资官 Jesús Sánchez-Bermejo 的手中,我们将了解比特币周期、它的时代及其可能的演变。
首席投资官 Jesús Sánchez-Bermejo 的技术分析和操作
比特币周期是指比特币价格随着时间的推移反复出现的增长和下降模式。 尽管没有固定的时间周期并且市场条件可能会发生变化,但一些分析师和观察家注意到某些模式似乎在比特币的历史中重演。 值得注意的是,过去的周期并不能保证未来的结果,因为加密货币市场波动性很大,并受到多种因素的影响。
这是比特币价格急剧上涨的阶段。 媒体关注度普遍增强,吸引了新的投资者。
达到顶峰后,市场可能会进入以价格下跌为特征的看跌阶段。 调整可能是快速而剧烈的,价格也会大幅下降。
在看跌阶段之后,市场可能会进入盘整阶段,价格将保持在更窄的区间内。 波动性可能会下降,投资者可能正在评估市场的未来方向。
在下图中,我们观察了迄今为止的 4 个比特币周期(我们处于第四个周期中心点的退出区域)。 2022 年 11 月的最低区域似乎很重要,因为它是上一个加密货币冬天理论上秋天的最后区域。
Remember that whenever era 4 hits the ceiling/resistance, a new crypto winter would begin that must look for the new LH (low high/long-term continuation low) and it would be there, where in that area, the era fifth, it would have its minimum point/accumulation zone, to continue climbing in price, already in the fifth era. But for that, we should still have at least four years left, understanding that if we respect the entire historical structure that has already been carried out, during 2026 it should be, this year, the accumulation zone following 2022/2023.
But for that... there is still time, and now and in the fourth era, we are about to reach the new halving, which will mark the next page in the history of bitcoin, while the adoption of blockchain technology is arriving.
At BELOBABA we are convinced that regardless of the price of bitcoin, as a whole, blockchain technology will have greater weight every day in all sectors of society, even in the "big money", since we do not forget that bitcoin is a nail of approximately 0.8/0.9 trillion USD (American trillions are European trillions) and Real Estate with its almost 400 trillion USD will be a litmus test in the economic adoption of blockchain technology.
Comparison of Peak (ceilings), halving (reduction of the bitcoin mined block reward by half/new issuance of bitcoin) and Cycle Peak (ceilings reached after the halving of each era/cycle).
The halving is approaching and after it, the new movement of bitcoin will mark the future of the new highs (ATH/All Time High).
We still have little history in bitcoin (birth in 2009) but little by little we can study its past to try to shed a little more light on its theoretical future. We will continue to publish articles and reports on our vision of the market and technology, without forgetting that in these public articles, each person is responsible for their own investment decisions.
This content is for informational and educational purposes. There is no consumer protection. Your capital is subject to risks. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell crypto assets. Do your own research or contact your trusted financial advisor.