
Arbitrum's $23.2 Billion Token Unlock


On March 16, Layer-2 blockchain network Arbitrum will unlock $23.2 billion worth of staked Arbitrum (ARB) tokens.

According to data from digital asset tracker Token Unlocks, Arbitrum will release approximately 1.1 billion locked ARB tokens, accounting for approximately 76% of the token’s circulating supply and currently worth $23.2 billion.

Arbitrum’s unlocking plan includes teams and advisors unlocking 673.5 million tokens, worth approximately $14.1 billion; investors unlocking 438.25 million tokens, worth approximately $915 million. Token Unlocks points out that this is a "Cliff Unlock" and no tokens will be released before the unlock date, and a large amount of tokens will be released to the market on the designated release date.

Crypto community members expect ARB token price to change as a large number of tokens are scheduled to be unlocked. Community members believe many people will be shorting the token on March 16, with another trader saying they have sold their tokens as the unlock is imminent.

Community members on Reddit are also discussing the upcoming unlock.

Crypto influencer JJcycles shared a different perspective. He compared the unlocking of ARB to the previous token unlocking of Solana (SOL). The trader stated that the SOL token price surged after the token was unlocked, rather than the expected price drop.

Additionally, in addition to Arbitrum, there are several other projects planning to release tokens this week. On March 13, Aptos (APT) will unlock approximately 24 million tokens worth approximately $329 million, representing approximately 6.73% of the project’s current circulating supply. These tokens will be distributed to the project’s foundation, community, core contributors, and investors.

At the same time, projects such as ApeCoin (APE), Flow (FLOW), CyberConnect, Moonbeam, and Euler will also release invested tokens this week, totaling approximately US$53 million in digital assets.

Overall, the total amount scheduled to be unlocked this week is approximately $2.7 billion.

If you want to ask me what to do, I just want to say: it will fall as long as it is unlocked. Doesn’t the project side know?

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