
Ethereum's Daily Line Closed at Strong Support Position


Today’s analysis shows that Ethereum’s daily line closed a big positive line the day before yesterday and turned back. Yesterday it was an overall downward trend. From the current small-level chart, it is a normal downward trend breakthrough and a rebound trend. Here are two This is a key position. Generally, after a big positive reversal, half of the big positive line is a strong support position, that is, the market is at 64000 and Ether 3350. The daily closing line of these two positions cannot fall below. If it falls below, there is a high probability that it will be carried out. Second exploration, however, the recovery of negative decline after the pull-up here has not increased the volume, more like a short-term shock warehouse shock recovery, the probability of recovery is greater. The short-term trend charts of Ether and the pie are basically the same as walking out of a wedge-shaped channel, (such as Picture) From the current point of view, the adjustment progress of Ether is obviously faster than that of the big pie, and the Ether military positions on the b network are still continuing to build positions. There is a high probability that Ether will break through first, and it will not be a big problem as long as the spot is taken. #ETH #BTC


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