
DeFi's Impact on ASEAN: OECD Report Analysis


Odaily Planet Daily News, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently released a new report on the impact of DeFi on the ASEAN region. The report pointed out that there is currently no evidence that DeFi will have an impact on inclusive finance because the DeFi market is mainly dominated by professional and institutional investors.

The report also found that retail investors often bear the brunt of cryptocurrency market crashes. While the report expresses concerns about the unregulated nature of current DeFi activity, it believes there is still potential if regulated institutions adopt tokenization, DLT and other DeFi features.

It is worth noting that the report analyzes the types of active investors in the DeFi market and classifies activities according to transaction size. Among them, the retail transaction volume is less than US$10,000. Measured by dollar transaction volume (rather than number of transactions), institutional investors (transaction volume above $1 million) and professional investors ($10,000 to $1 million) dominate the world.

Overall, although the DeFi market is currently dominated by professional and institutional investors, its potential is still worth looking forward to after regulated institutions adopt related technologies. Let’s wait and see!


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