


短讯接上篇简单撸毛英文答案对照单号撸毛,可能题目不同的情况Join Discord server and find the magic word?EARTH题:What does the MLP acronym mean?答案:My Lovely Planet题What is the unique concept of My Lovely Planet in the mobile gaming market?答案Build the first "Play to Save" game问题:How is My Lovely Planet revolutionizing mobile gaming with its 'Play to Save' concept?答案:By donating game profits to charity问题:How is My Lovely Planet revolutionizing mobile gaming with its 'Play to Save' concept?答案:问题:What year was the first alpha of My Lovely Planet launched?答案:2021问题:What's the name of our fox Mascot?答案:Edward问题:Which top gaming company accelerated My Lovely Planet through their lab?答案:Ubisoft问题:What International award did My Lovely Planet win for its innovative approach to gaming and environmental impact?答案:Unity for Humanity Award问题:What is the full name of crypto-currency of My Lovely Planet?答案:My Lovely Coin问题:How much total tokens My lovely Planet plan to release?答案:350 million问题:What ecofriendly blockchain does My Lovely Planet use?答案:Polygon问题:How many active players does My Lovely Planet aim to have by 2030?答案:100 million问题:What is the ultimate goal of My Lovely Planet for its players?答案:Have fun while protecting the environment#BTC #5月市场关键事件 #游戏 #游戏板块

热点:夏日海边 阳光

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