
Baanx 的新业务:基于 Etherlink 的 Tezos 非托管支付卡


仔细研究 Baanx 及其在 Etherlink 上为 Tezos 推出非托管支付卡的计划。

加密借记卡已经存在一段时间了。我个人使用过 Coinbase 卡,多年来还出现了许多其他流行的托管选项。Baanx 专注于非托管选项,并与 Ledger、1inch、MetaMask 等行业巨头以及 MasterCard 等大型支付网络合作。

他们最近宣布计划利用 Etherlink 推出非托管支付卡,Etherlink 是 Tezos 新的 Layer-2 EVM 兼容网络,目前处于主网测试阶段。在本文中,我们将进一步探索 Baanx,并重点介绍他们对 Tezos 的计划。

什么是 Baanx?

Baanx 是一个金融科技平台,为企业提供当今数字时代的各种金融服务。从虚拟 IBAN、借记卡、支付网关、数字资产到 KYC 和 AML 等合规解决方案,Baanx 是帮助企业在传统法定货币和数字资产技术的浑水中摸索的一站式服务平台。

如果您已经接触加密货币一段时间了,那么您可能以前使用过硬件钱包。如果没有,请随时阅读我们关于安全实践的文章。Baanx 于 2022 年 1 月获得 FCA 批准开展加密资产活动,从那时起他们一直在推动广泛采用。Baanx 专门从事的事情之一是成为 Crypto Life (CL) 卡的提供商,该卡由 Ledger 推出并提供支持。

Ledger 是继 Trezor 之后最受欢迎的硬件钱包生产商。该卡仅供英国和欧洲经济区居民使用,但计划在未来支持美国居民。Baanx 还与 MasterCard 和 1inch 合作创建了另一张“1inch 卡”和 MetaMask。

显然,如果行业巨头和 MasterCard 等主要支付网络与他们合作,Baanx 就会对自己正在做的事情有所了解。但不要只听我说。我们的 TezTalks Live 节目邀请了 Baanx 的首席商务官 Simon Jones,他分享了对 Baanx 愿景和长期思考的见解。

Technology is global, it works anywhere and you can plug into the internet. The payments aren’t; the financial services are. So, we live in this world where the world is very big but it’s increasingly getting smaller. One of the vestiges of this non-reformed sector is in financial services. So, I think if you look at that from a platform perspective and anyone out there trying to build something or create a business, there’s a huge amount of friction. Looking at the companies that kind of conquered the world, Google, Apple, Meta, etc. None of these guys have ever tried to come to this arena. That’s because obviously the way in which this arena is designed is unduly complicated. So, that’s the firstpoint.

I think the second point is this whole idea of, hey, I give my money to someone, so I have to put it somewhere. But, then I have to pay them to get it back, pay when I want to go and pay them, or someone else has to pay to receive my money. That doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s just illogical; you’ll always have some level of a fee because, at the end of the day, it’s a business. But why should somebody else get to dictate what exchange rate I get or what interest rate I get? Or what will it cost me to make a payment? That doesn’t make any sense, that should be my decision. If I want to pay a certain way I should be able to press that button. If I want to send money a certain way, I should be able to press that button. If I want to put my savings somewhere and earn a certain yield on it, I should be able to pick, you know, five providers, not one. So, that kind of closed architecture of the system is really a hugedrag…

It really makes you think. Things shouldn't be this unnecessarily complicated. In the same sense, anyone can use the internet with a phone or device; there should be that frictionless environment for sending payments.

Make sure to listen to the full episode for more of Simon's insight and why Baanx believes that will be thecase!

Baanx and Tezos Collaboration

We first learned about the Tezos Foundation and overall collaborative efforts with Baanx in 2020. Earlier in the year, we were treated to some news about a Series A funding round with Tezos Foundation as one of the participating investors. Per the press release, the focus is primarily on gaining support in the US and Latin American regions this year, where their flagship product, the CL card, has only UK and EEAsupport.

Over a week ago, we learned in another press release that Baanx is working on a Tezos-branded non-custodial crypto debit card utilizing Etherlink. Once live, transactions will make use of the Etherlink network to allow cheap and fast payments. In its current mainnet beta stage, Etherlink boasts impressive stats such as sub-second confirmation times and nearly free gas fees. This is exactly the scale you'd need to see for a major crypto debitcard.

这里我们还应该了解一些事情,尤其是就加密借记卡而言。Baanx 的 Tezos 卡将是非托管的。如果我们看看最常用的加密借记卡,它们都主要是托管的(Coinbase、Crypto.com 等)。事实上,如果你还记得的话,BlockFi、Celsius 和其他公司在鼎盛时期都提供过一些这样的托管卡。我们看到了它们不幸发生的事情。

这是托管解决方案固有的风险。虽然从技术上讲,您可以完全控制您持有资产的交易所(例如 Coinbase)内的资产。如果 Coinbase 和其他托管公司出现问题,您很有可能无法访问您的资产。

Baanx 的解决方案使用冷存储和非托管解决方案,例如硬件钱包。以他们的 CL 卡为例。使用您的 Ledger Live 帐户,您所要做的就是确保您的帐户已链接并选择一种资产来为卡提供资金。您做出所有决定;另一边没有中介来确保交易没问题。这大概是我们为 Tezos 卡所期望的相同体验水平。

欲了解更深入的见解,请务必观看 Simon Jones 主持的最新 TezTalks 节目以及 Trilitech BD 负责人 Siddharth Singhal 主持的 X 空间节目!


就加密借记卡而言,市场上没有一家公司像 Baanx 一样,在 CL 卡等旗舰产品方面拥有专业知识。Baanx 与 MasterCard、1inch 和 MetaMask 合作,为 Tezos 的非托管支付卡工作带来了丰富的经验。在 Etherlink 上,我们很高兴看到 Etherlink 从目前的主网测试阶段正式在主网上推出,并拥有一种使用加密货币进行日常购买的简洁方式。

Baanx 的新事业:基于 Etherlink 的 Tezos 非托管支付卡最初发表在 Medium 上的 Tezos Commons 上,人们通过强调和回应这个故事继续讨论。

热点:业务 托管 支付

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