令人震惊的统计数据表明网络犯罪格局正在发生变化,表明人们越来越关注加密恶意软件。 那么,加密恶意软件到底是什么? 加密恶意软件是一类恶意软件,旨在劫持计算机或设备的处理能力以挖掘加密货币。
加密恶意软件通过称为加密劫持的过程来实现这一点。 通常,被盗的处理能力被用来挖掘以隐私为中心的加密货币,例如门罗币(XMR),这些加密货币具有先进的混淆功能,使当局难以追踪。
也就是说,第一个公开可用的加密劫持脚本由 Coinhive 于 2017 年发布。该脚本允许网站管理员在其网站上嵌入挖掘代码,以利用访问者设备的计算能力。 这标志着一种增长趋势的开始,加密恶意软件攻击在随后几年中猛增。
根据当前趋势,黑客正在从勒索软件等破坏性网络安全攻击转向被认为更加被动的加密恶意软件攻击。 网络安全专家将这种范式转变归因于几个因素。
其中最重要的是,与经常引起反犯罪机构注意的勒索软件攻击等策略相比,加密劫持攻击的风险相对较低。 而且,加密货币挖矿的非法性属于灰色地带,使得恶意团体更容易逃避审查。
加密恶意软件攻击的成本效益是促使黑客团体更加关注窃取处理能力的另一个因素。 窃取处理能力几乎不需要任何成本,而且战利品可以很容易地转换成现金,而且复杂性极低。 这使得加密货币劫持对于邪恶团体来说非常方便。 此外,与传统恶意软件不同,加密劫持攻击使用难以检测的低级漏洞,例如浏览器漏洞。
物联网 (IoT) 设备的广泛使用是加密恶意软件攻击激增的另一个因素。 由于与计算机相比,物联网设备的安全保障措施通常较弱,因此更容易受到利用。 这使他们成为黑客的主要目标。 这一因素无意中增加了加密恶意软件攻击的攻击面。
加密恶意软件和勒索软件是两种不同类型的恶意软件。 加密恶意软件是未经用户同意在计算机上挖掘加密货币的恶意软件,而勒索软件则被黑客用来加密计算机上的文件并要求支付赎金以进行解密。
Over the years, black hats have devised numerous ways of compromising computing devices in order to carry out crypto malware attacks. The following is a breakdown of some of the key strategies used by hackers:
Installing crypto-mining code
Injecting crypto-mining malware into a computer is a common tactic used by hackers to exploit the computing resources of compromised devices. In many cases, attackers install the malware on a computer by tricking victims into downloading seemingly innocuous files laden with crypto-mining malware or baiting them into clicking links that lead to malicious websites designed to deliver malware payloads.
In some cases, hacker groups spread the malware through compromised routers, further complicating detection and mitigation efforts.
Injecting crypto mining scripts into ads and websites
Cybercriminals can unleash crypto-mining malware by planting malicious scripts in ads and websites. The scripts typically exploit browser vulnerabilities to force visitors’ computers to mine cryptocurrencies the moment they open the infected pages. This can occur even if the victim refrains from clicking on the infected ads or any trigger elements that are on the website.
Exploiting vulnerabilities in software and operating systems
Hackers regularly exploit vulnerabilities in software and operating systems to install crypto-mining code on victims’ devices. In many cases, they achieve this by taking advantage of known vulnerabilities or employing zero-day exploits.
Some cryptojacking campaigns have also been found to rely on side-loading exploits to install cryptojacking modules that imitate legitimate system processes. Side loading is the injection of code that has not been approved by a developer to run on a device. The technique allows for the deployment of persistent malware, including crypto malware.
Exploiting cloud-based infrastructure vulnerabilities
Hackers have been known to exploit vulnerabilities in cloud-based infrastructure to pilfer their immense processing power for crypto mining.
In some instances, attackers have resorted to using stealthy, fileless payloads to execute crypto malware attacks. The payloads are typically programmed to disappear from memory once cloud workloads are halted, further complicating detection efforts.
Malicious browser extensions
Cybercriminals sometimes use malicious browser extensions to carry out cryptojacking attacks. The extensions, which are often disguised as plugins for legitimate purposes, force victims’ machines to mine digital assets.
The malicious activities of such extensions are typically difficult to detect due to their seemingly legitimate functions.
Symptoms of crypto malware infection
Crypto malware infections can manifest in a number of ways, ranging from the glaringly obvious to the deceptively subtle. The following is a breakdown of some of the telltale signs of a crypto malware infection:
Increased CPU usage
Crypto malware typically tends to target the central processing unit (CPU) of a computer. The CPU is the primary processing component responsible for coordinating a machine’s hardware, operating systems and applications. It utilizes complex electronic circuitry to process instructions from various components.
As such, computers infected with crypto mining malware often experience an anomalous surge in CPU usage. CPU activity can be monitored using the Task Manager on Windows or Activity Monitor on macOS. A sudden and sustained spike in CPU usage, particularly when the system is idle, could indicate a crypto malware infection.
Slow performance
Crypto malware’s heavy reliance on CPU resources often leads to a noticeable decline in overall system performance. The performance issues can be attributed to the overburdening of the CPU with cryptocurrency mining operations.
In the presence of a crypto malware infection, the decline in performance is usually accompanied by secondary problems such as overheating issues, which sometimes force the computer’s cooling system (fans) to work harder to dissipate the heat. Often, this coincides with increased electricity consumption.
Unusual network activity
Unusual computer network activity could indicate a crypto malware infection. This is because crypto malware is usually set up to ping external servers to receive updates and instructions. As a result, irregular network patterns, such as frequent outgoing connections, could indicate potential infections.
Such activities are usually accompanied by the emergence of unfamiliar processes or applications that usually consume more CPU resources than normal.
Protection against crypto malware attacks
Crypto malware attacks can be deterred through various methods. The following is a breakdown of some of them.
Keeping the operating system and software updated
Regularly updating a computer’s operating system ensures that the software has the latest security patches and could deter crypto malware attacks. The rationale behind the precautionary measure is that the updates will prevent cybercriminals from using loopholes in outdated systems to launch attacks.
Install and use reputable antivirus and anti-malware software
Installing robust anti-malware software is a crucial step in deterring cybersecurity threats, including crypto malware. Top-rated anti-malware programs often scan devices regularly for malicious software and use sophisticated detection methods to identify threats, including crypto miners.
Many of the formidable antivirus software also have real-time scanning features that can identify and prevent crypto malware from deploying on a system.
Be cautious with email attachments and links
Email remains a favored medium for cybercriminals to spread malware, including crypto malware. To avoid falling victim to email malware distribution schemes, one should avoid opening attachments or clicking on links in emails from unknown or suspicious sources.
这是因为网络犯罪分子经常使用欺骗性电子邮件来诱骗用户在不知情的情况下将加密恶意软件下载到他们的设备上。 因此,忽略可疑电子邮件可能有助于避免加密恶意软件攻击 。
从信誉良好的来源下载软件可以降低遇到恶意程序的风险。 这是因为信誉良好的平台通常会经过严格的安全检查,以减少分发受损软件的机会。 另一方面,不可信的网站通常缺乏此类保护措施,因此可能会分发包含恶意软件的软件,包括加密挖掘恶意软件。
防火墙充当计算设备和互联网之间的屏障,通常设置为通过过滤传入和传出连接来阻止未经授权的访问。 添加的安全层使加密恶意软件更难感染机器。
安装专门的反加密劫持浏览器扩展程序可以帮助检测和阻止旨在针对浏览器元素的加密挖掘脚本。 合法的反加密劫持扩展通常可以在官方浏览器开发者网上商店中找到。
另一种更极端的方法是禁用浏览器上的 JavaScript 支持。 缓解措施将阻止执行基于 JavaScript 的加密劫持脚本。
根据当前趋势,记录的加密恶意软件攻击数量未来可能会增加。 部分原因是执法重点转向解决勒索软件和数据泄露等备受瞩目的网络犯罪。 当局关注的减少可能会助长网络犯罪分子的气焰,并导致加密劫持攻击的增加。
过去的趋势表明,网络犯罪分子将继续开发新的加密劫持技术来利用新兴技术中的漏洞。 这种演变可能会给传统安全解决方案检测和防止此类攻击带来挑战,至少在开始时是这样。
最后,用户对加密劫持及其相关风险的认识有限仍然是打击加密恶意软件的重大障碍。 缺乏了解往往会导致忽视预防措施,使更多机器容易受到攻击,并导致感染率上升。