
Riding the Waves of FOMO: How to Stay Calm and Rational in Times of Market Hype


?You're feeling a huge amount of FOMO on $SOL right nowThe monkey part of your brain tries to take over:"BUY BUY"But don't fall for it. Let me be clear: this is NOT a post about SOL. In fact, I love and have been holding $SOL. And there will still be enough opportunities to buy it. But now is not the time to be a monkey.Remember: don't catch the wave, let the wave catch you. So what do you do in times like these? When do all altcoins, except yours, rise?1) Sit back.Excessive trading based on emotions often results in suboptimal performance.2) Go back to your trading ideas.Remember why you bought your investment in the first place. Has anything fundamentally changed? Or is it just your emotions changing?3) Use DCA.Let's be honest: given the current situation, many of us would have clicked "buy."So instead of investing thousands of dollars in a rising altcoin, roll a modest DCA to balance out the entry price over time.Believe in yourself. Trust your investment.Author's encouragement ️ +100 to motivation ️


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