随着 2024 年倒计时的开始,投资者将注意力转向来年加密货币市场的潜在机会。 比特币即将减半、以太坊发展的持续进步,以及 Retik Finance (RETIK) 等有前景的新项目的出现,共同创造了一个充满潜力的前景。然而,在超过 22,000 种加密货币争夺认可的惊人阵列中,选择最有前途的投资选择的任务可能是艰巨的。 在这篇综合文章中,让我们深入研究七种值得在新年投资组合中购买和持有的代币。
Retik Finance (RETIK): 实用代币即将推出
比特币 (BTC): 为下一次减半和 ETF 批准做准备
以太坊(ETH): 为坎昆升级做好准备
柴犬(SHIB): 总督杀手准备清除另一个零
Solana (SOL): 表现最好的山寨币,2023 年将飙升超过 900%
Bonk (BONK): 一种基于 Solana 的 Meme 代币,具有动量
狗狗币(DOGE): OG Meme 硬币派对能否像 2021 年一样?
Retik Finance (RETIK):实用代币即将于 2024 年初推出
Retik Finance(RETIK)是一个计划在未来几周内推出的去中心化金融(DeFi)平台,已经引起了广泛关注。 它的预售取得了巨大成功,在不到三周的时间里筹集了 250 万美元,这证明了该项目的创新解决方案和强大的社区支持。 Retik Finance 的核心是 $RETIK 代币,它为平台的生态系统提供了动力,包括其非托管钱包、DeFi 借记卡、支付网关和人工智能驱动的 P2P 借贷。 Retik Finance 专注于现实世界中加密货币的采用并弥合传统金融与数字领域之间的差距,为寻求进入新兴的去中心化金融 (DeFi) 领域的投资者提供了令人信服的主张。
比特币 (BTC):为下一次减半和 ETF 批准做准备
比特币是无可争议的加密之王,仍然是任何多元化投资组合的基石。 即将于 2024 年 4 月左右减半,新铸造的比特币数量减少一半,这是一个具有历史意义的事件,通常先于价格大幅上涨。
此外,比特币强大的基本面,包括其有限的供应、潜在的交易所交易基金(ETF)批准以及不断增长的机构采用,表明它可能会保持其作为加密货币领域避险资产的地位。 尽管可能受到监管打压,但它仍然没有动摇。
Ethereum, the platform powering most DeFi applications and NFTs, is another strong contender for your New Year portfolio. Its upcoming Cancun upgrade, expected in 2024, will enhance the scalability and security of the network, potentially attracting more inflow of capital and boosting the price.Furthermore, Ethereum’s continued development of scalability solutions like Layer 2 rollups positions it well to handle the growing demand for DeFi and NFT applications. Despite inherent challenges, Ethereum’s strong developer community and established ecosystem make it a compelling long-term investment.
Shiba Inu (SHIB), the meme-inspired token that exploded in popularity in 2021, has captured the imagination of many investors. Its recent burning initiatives, designed to reduce its massive supply, have fueled optimism for a potential price increase. Additionally, the development of its own blockchain and metaverse project could offer further growth opportunities.However, Shiba Inu’s lack of intrinsic value and dependence on market sentiment make it a high-risk investment. Investors should be prepared for significant volatility and should not allocate a large portion of their portfolio to SHIB.
Solana (SOL), known for its lightning-fast transaction speeds and low fees, has become a popular choice for DeFi and NFT applications. Its continued development of scalability solutions and growing user base suggest Solana could see further gains in the new year. It has become one of the best-performing alternative coins in the market with an almost 1,000 percent increase from its low in the last bear market. Moreover, the launch of its decentralized exchange (DEX), Solana DEX, could attract even more users to the ecosystem.
Bonk (BONK) is a meme coin that was launched on the Solana blockchain in December 2022, having experienced a meteoric rise in a short period. Its focus on community engagement and partnerships within the Solana ecosystem has fueled its popularity. Moreover, its limited supply and deflationary tokenomics could contribute to price appreciation of over 20,000% over the last year.
狗狗币通常被认为是最初的模因币,它仍然是希望以有趣且可能有利可图的方式参与加密货币世界的个人投资者的首选。 该代币与埃隆·马斯克的密切联系以及积极支持它的热情和广泛的社区增强了该代币的持久吸引力。然而,尽管狗狗币得到了广泛认可,但与其他代币相比,狗狗币的技术功能有限,促使人们对其长期可持续性提出质疑。 然而,代币反复无常的行为以及经历社交媒体驱动的快速上涨的能力不能完全被忽视。
当我们进入 2024 年时,重要的是要记住,多元化至关重要,但创新才是驱动力。 比特币 (BTC) 减半和潜在的现货 ETF 批准,以太坊 (ETH) 升级前景广阔,柴犬的顽皮魅力和索拉纳 (Solana) 的速度是不可否认的,Bonk 的迅速崛起令人兴奋,而 OG 模因之王狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 可能会带来节日的冲击。然而,Retik Finance (RETIK) 是一个新兴的金融平台,它提供了切实利益、敬业团队和不断发展的社区的独特组合。 与其他投机性代币不同,Retik Finance 处于重塑金融未来的竞赛的最前沿,并准备引领潮流。 如果您正在寻找一种有潜力在 2024 年新年在不断发展的加密货币领域蓬勃发展的代币,那么 Retik Finance 仍然是您投资组合中购买和持有的最佳加密货币代币。