If I buy, The market sellsIf I sell, The market buysWhen you step into the trading arena, it's like a cosmic dance. You buy, and the market considers selling. You sell, and suddenly it wants to buy. It's a wild ride, isn't it? Have you ever felt that strange force pulling against your trades? I certainly have, and it's an experience that continues to this day. But here's the secret: trust your analysis, validate it on higher time frames, and fear not. Trading requires mastering your emotions and exercising unwavering patience. Don't let your feelings sway you, and remember that patience is a virtue. ️️In the world of trading, if you don't close at a modest loss, you might find yourself in a much deeper abyss. Consider this wisdom. If you found this journey intriguing and enlightening, don't forget to like, share, and follow the cosmic dance of the markets. Support with a Tip