首先,有人向中本聪的地址发送了数百万美元的比特币,人群惊呼领袖复活了。 1 月 7 日,一位不知名的富翁花费 1.5 BTC,约合 66,000 美元,在比特币主网上刻了 8.93。 MB 的乱码数据。
图片描述:花费1.5 BTC的乱码铭文
吃瓜群众们震惊不已,也在猜测它的用途和意图。 Arweave 创始人 Sam 还表示,“Arweave 存储相同数量的文件仅需 0.06 美元,约为比特币的百万分之一,并且表示 Arweave 经历了五年的运营,足以通过市场。”
说实话,Sam的说法并不完全是一个热门话题。 Arweave 最初确实以其“永久存储”概念而闻名,但其网络普遍较小,社区也不团结。 至少艾里斯几天前还在吃叉子。 ,具体流程请参考我之前的文章:分叉意味着分裂,Arweave生态领袖Irys寻求独立。
我还想顺便提一下,在后续中,萨姆和艾里斯已经和好,不再分开。 然而,这场生态内部的公开冲突却结束得如此仓促。 我无法发表评论。 至少在稳定性方面,Arweave还需要更长时间的测试,至少可以保证数据本身不会被分叉。
结果,比特币的持久性得到了加强。 Arweave是否能保证200年的存储时间还不确定。 不过大家都认为比特币能活到2140年没有什么大问题,毕竟比特币经历了五轮牛熊。 ,万亿市值可不是闹着玩的。
在比特币现货ETF最终结果出炉之前,还会有大量这样的“花钱工作”。 会有人真的相信花费66000 X 7.17 = 473,220人民币只是一个笑话吗? !
合理的猜测是,我认为这应该是ORDI的一场秀。 正如柯南所说,真理永远只有一个。 当然,福尔摩斯也说过,当你排除了所有不可能的因素后,剩下的无论多么不可能,都一定是真相。
Today's inscription market has reached an inflection point. According to CMC data, the trend of inscriptions has been declining in the past week. It seems that $100 has become an elusive dream. How to attract more attention?
One option is to work hard. 66,000 US dollars is a lot for individual retail investors, but for a certain project party or banker, it is difficult to say how high the public relations cost is, but it has been mentioned in major media. headlines, the "out of the circle" effect is unparalleled.
Moreover, the recent Bitcoin mainnet handling fees have plummeted by almost 80% in a week. Compared with 300+ BTC per day a week ago, they have been basically only about 150 BTC since January, which is nearly halved. On the 7th, it was only 70+ BTC, if it continues to fall like this, don’t wait until the Bitcoin spot ETF currency price soars to the sky, and even the inscription handling fees for drought and flood guarantees will be gone.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence (Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence). There is currently no evidence, and the whole article is only speculation:
Anonymous address
Invalid information (garbled data)
Uses the Inscription protocol instead of the usual Bitcoin block burning method
When the inscription ecology is weak
By sorting out the above information, the possibility of personal mistakes has been basically eliminated. If you are an old player OG who often uses inscriptions, you will not be unfamiliar with the operation methods of inscriptions, and you will definitely not make mistakes all the time. Then, if you retain important information personally, such a possibility The security is not great, because the information currently visible is completely garbled data, and the real method of encrypting data will not be so sloppy.
After ruling out the above possibilities, there are only two more reliable options:
Performance art, if you have money, it will be useless;
Public relations activities, old leeks who have gone through the era of sky-high NFT prices should be impressed. In 2021, Beeple's works were auctioned for US$69 million, writing the best footnote for the crazy last bull market;
The price is high enough to attract attention. In this reasoning logic, this is the more likely answer. Of course, if you are really heartbroken and crazy, then it is excusable, even if I am wrong.
The fiery inscription has always been a fluctuating quantum superposition state. It has gone through 3 small cycles so far, but the succession has been more perfect since October 2023. However, the current inscription is visible to the naked eye and is not very active. If you add a handful at this time With new wood, maybe we can continue the Indian Summer.
The above comments are all speculation. If there is any dispute, I am the one who is right
Someone spent $66,000 to inscribe data onto Bitcoin. No one knows what it says.