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今天我把账户里的比特币全部卖掉,投入了16000元,不到一个月就卖完了。 我盈利了3595元,涨幅22.4%,年化率高达268%,算是比较好的成绩了(币圈大了别喷)。 这一个月的投资经历给了我最大的感悟:普通人不适合投资虚拟货币。
1、虚拟货币投资的认知门槛超出了普通人的认知范围,远高于任何其他投资类别。 首先,我立了一个flag。 我认为虚拟货币不适合普通人投资。 并不是说虚拟货币不好,而是只有合格的投资者才适合投资虚拟货币。 虚拟货币植根于区块链技术,但了解区块链技术和虚拟货币运行机制的投资者并不多。 即使是区块链最核心的特性:去中心化,也很少有人能理解。 之前写了一篇很简单的文章《利用区块链打造真正的P2P公司》发到P2P从业者交流群。 很多修炼者都感到困惑。 他们问的最常见的问题是:去中心化到底是什么? 如何实现去中心化? 我一开始很惊讶:P2P从业者是最接近区块链时代的群体。 如果他们都不懂去中心化,那普通投资者呢? 对于刚接触区块链的人来说,去中心化很难理解,因为现实世界中没有可供学习的例子。 就像十年前(2008年)有人说他们在网上买了一个西瓜。 对于普通人来说肯定很难理解。 西瓜不是田里种的,不是超市里卖的,那为什么可以在网上卖呢?
To understand virtual currency, you must understand more or less blockchain technology. Blockchain technology itself is a technology with certain thresholds. In addition, there are few available reference materials. The media on the market are mixed and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Ordinary investors have limited time and can really understand less about blockchain technology. There is less of it. Although there are certain thresholds for stock market investment, after so many years of stock market education, when it comes to dividends, fixed increase, and net worth, all the stock traders can tell you something. But the blockchain consensus mechanism, asymmetric encryption, and UTXO. . . Any number of concepts will make ordinary investors dizzy.
Of course, you may say that ordinary investors don’t need to understand these terms at all. They can buy, buy, buy with their eyes closed, and they can still increase dozens of times a year, killing your annualized return of 268% in minutes. Well, this situation exists. When P2P started, you could invest in projects with an annual rate of 30%, and there was no need to study the background strength, team and project situation. Later, there was a wave of people running away, and investors were given a good education. Nowadays, the currency circle is booming, and blind investing is also very rewarding. But the good times will not last long. I predict that after the two sessions, the currency circle will enter a trough for a long period of time. I really don’t want to see blockchain repeat the mistakes of P2P and ruin good technology. At present, 99% of ordinary investors in the currency circle have not studied the white paper of the investment project. They invested after seeing a few high-profile foreign faces and following the KOLs in the currency circle. Blockchain has become synonymous with currency issuance. If this continues, sooner or later there will be a wave of "blockchain" runaways. The ones who benefit are the currency circle KOLs, and the ones who suffer are the Leek investors.
2. The risk of virtual currency investment is too high and beyond the tolerance of ordinary people, so it is not suitable for ordinary investors. Virtual currency is traded 24/7, all year round. Old leeks in the currency circle are unfazed by daily fluctuations of 50%, but ordinary investors do not have such a big heart. At present (3MAR18) there are not many scammers in the currency circle, or the scammers have not yet revealed themselves as scammers. When the scammers can no longer play the game, the investment projects will not be subject to fluctuations, but will directly return to zero. Even if they are not scammer projects, 90% of current real blockchain projects will fail. There are not so many ecological blockchain projects that can be established, and there are not that many virtual currencies that need to be issued. Nowadays, a hundred schools of thought are contending. Investors can invest in blockchain-based Didi, blockchain-based Kuaidi, blockchain-based Yidao Yongche, and blockchain-based Bumblebee, but only one company will have the last laugh. Professional institutions will make mistakes. For ordinary investors, can you guarantee that what you invest in is Didi in the blockchain? If you intend to play the game of beating the drum and passing the flowers, don’t worry, the one who takes the last shot will definitely be an ordinary investor, either me or you.
3. From the perspective of the difficulty of investment operations, ordinary investors are not suitable for investing in virtual currencies. It is too difficult. Not to mention the issues of investment philosophy and investment risks, even if it is a black eye, it will be a stud. . . Wait, how to stud is a difficult question. I bought the most conservative currency - BTC - on huobi.com, but how to buy the currency was a toss-up. After struggling with all kinds of registration, authentication, card binding, and various anti-human interfaces for 3 hours, I finally succeeded in buying coins. After a while, I felt something was wrong. Huobi is still a centralized exchange. The BTC I purchased was not written to my Bitcoin address, and I didn’t have the secret key. Huobi.com is like the early Alibaba, compared to third-party fund custody. But if huobi is not the early Alibaba, but the early eBay, what about Paipai? Coupled with recent regulatory actions, changes in huobi's WeChat account and a series of other clues, I decided to withdraw the BTC from huobi.com to my own Bitcoin address. Create your own address on the Bitcoin blockchain? Hey guys, it takes 65G to download the Bitcoin blockchain, and it was stopped after 1 hour of downloading. Later I heard that online wallets can only download records related to your own transactions, greatly reducing the amount of downloads. So I downloaded and registered a Blockchain wallet, and after all the trouble, I discovered a sad reality. The handling fee for writing a Bitcoin address is expensive, and after all the trouble, the gain outweighs the loss. Then I went back to huobi.com, consulted customer service and found that there was a selling function, so I sold BTC with the attitude of giving it a try. Note, I just gave it a try, so I didn’t think too much and clicked “Sell at the market price”. As a result, I really sold it! No double confirmation! Anti-human product manager of huobi.com, stand up and I promise not to beat you to death. As a result, a series of thrilling processes occurred during the period, including selling and converting into USDT, USDT into ETH, and ETH into currency issuance. As the leading exchange in the industry, Huobi’s experience has been so difficult. For other new projects established in English, I don’t know how many bloody stories ordinary investors made when purchasing them for the first time. Therefore, even from an operational level, ordinary investors cannot hold on, so there are various proxy investments. With proxy investment, greater risks also come.
综上所述,由于虚拟货币认知门槛高、风险大、操作难度大,普通人不适合炒币。 但炒币确实很赚钱。 这几天卖牛肉的都在炒币,广场舞阿姨,理发店老师托尼都在讨论炒币。 如果你不参与,你就无法赶上这波机会。 我真的很着急啊! 这是典型的韭菜心态。 我知道警告大家不要炒币是徒劳的。 很少有人能抵挡巨额利润的诱惑。 因此,大家需要做的就是继续关注虚拟货币,深入研究,争取早日成为一名能割别人韭菜的合格投资者。 祝你好运!
如果你觉得不错,就给我点个赞吧。 竖起大拇指就是最好的赞美。