基本注意力币是一种值得密切关注的币,因为它在去中心化金融领域每月拥有超过 5000 万用户。
Aptos(APT-USD)是一个优先考虑可扩展性和安全性的 Layer-1 区块链。 它由 Avery Ching 和 Mo Shaikh 于 2022 年 10 月成立。 采用AptosBFT共识方法,采用Move智能合约编程语言实现。 此外,这使得使用 Block-STM 并行执行流程成为可能,从而将吞吐量提高到每秒 160,000 个事务 (tps)。
Aptos的交易处理特点是其模块化架构,保证了高吞吐量和低延迟。 除了客户端接口和验证器管理之外,它还包括智能合约的执行、共识、并行处理和客户端接口等组件。
Aptos 下周将解锁总计 2484 万个高级持续性威胁(APT),价值超过 2.6 亿美元,占总供应量的 8%。 此外,股份还将分配给核心贡献者和投资者。 此外,投资者将获得842万个APT,相当于约8850万美元,关键贡献者将获得1188万个APT,相当于市值的4%。 总共向社区分发了 321 万枚 APT 代币,另有 133 万枚捐赠给了基金会。 总市值为28亿美元,目前流通量为3.08亿枚。 1月5日,Santiment的图表列出了7亿美元的峰值成交量,这是最近五个月的最大成交量。 目前成交量已超过 3.7 亿美元。
看到广告的用户将获得基本注意力(BAT-USD)奖励,该奖励用于为 Brave 浏览器提供动力。 由于每月增加超过 5000 万用户并在 DeFi 中发挥作用,BAT 的价值和采用潜力不断增加。 与 Reddit 和 Discord 等平台的原生集成,以及促进用户激励的聊天机器人,有助于发展清晰的价值轨迹和可持续的代币经济。
BAT also provides prizes to Brave users who watch advertisements. From the looks of it, this is a rather creative approach of luring consumers away from Google. BAT's promotion of advertising on Brave, which is well-known for placing a high priority on user privacy, is a major benefit of the company. Chrome is said to be three times slower than Brave, according to Brave. Users who want to put some space between themselves and Google might consider using BAT since it has tools that allow them to prevent advertisements and monitor their activity.
Increased interest was prompted by the introduction of its browsing aid, which was called Leo. In spite of the difficulties that were encountered in 2023, BAT's pricing forecasts were inconsistent, with expectations ranging from 36 cents by the end of 2023 to $3.32 by the year 2030.
VeChain (VET-USD) is a cryptocurrency that is separate from XRP and focuses on traceability solutions. It is considered to be currently undervalued. By providing each product with a one-of-a-kind identification, it is possible to improve both the efficiency and the traceability of the supply chain. Therefore, this demonstrates its practical use using blockchain technology for the purpose of achieving better results in business.
VeChain is a decentralized blockchain that works on VechainThor. At VechainThor, value and transactions are handled by VechainThor, while VTHO is responsible for covering network expenses. VeChain, which is well-known for improving transparency and efficiency, is in line with the sustainable objectives of the United Nations and addresses problems that are really occurring in the world.
Through a partnership with a firm that specializes in the restoration of antique automobiles, Professor Qi Ge from VeChain was able to display the VeChain emblem on well-known automobiles such as the Shelby Cobra. However, this wasn't merely for the sake of appearances. However, it is also a green makeover that will be chronicled in a television series that will air in 2024. In the year 2024, a technological update is now being implemented. This consists of the VeWorld wallet, which comes equipped with a decentralized application (dApp) browser, a Coinbase gateway, and an NFT viewer.