最近的一次调整导致比特币(BTC)的价格从两年高点 48,969 美元跌至低点 38,555 美元。 周二,比特币 (BTC) 价格在调整后回升至 43,000 美元以上。
据加密货币情报追踪机构 Santiment 的分析师称,10 月份开始的比特币牛市周期预计将持续下去。 这是因为自 8 月份以来,交易所的比特币数量一直在波动。 外汇储备减少被认为表明抛售压力下降,这一事实支持了价格复苏的概念。
交易所的比特币供应量从8月份的6.05%下降到1月30日的5.40%,下降幅度很大。 供应减少通常会导致资产抛售压力减少。 这是因为它表明更多的交易者选择将比特币保留在钱包中,而不是将其保留在交易所。
加密货币情报追踪机构 Santiment 的分析师观察到,交易所上的比特币数量正在逐渐减少。 在过去的五周里,稳定币数量的增加与这一发展同时发生。
专家表示,交易所USDT储备的增长被认为是购买力增强的迹象。 这表明十月份开始的中期牛市周期可能仍然存在。
比特币(BTC)减半事件预计将于 4 月 18 日发生,该事件过去一直被认为是价格上涨的推动力。
Tether 在多个交易所的报价
It was believed that the withdrawal of Bitcoin from Grayscale's exchange-traded fund (ETF) was one of the primary contributors to the recent drop in the price of Bitcoin. The Spot Bitcoin ETF offered by Fidelity, on the other hand, had daily inflows of $208 million on Monday alone, according to statistics provided by investors from Farside. Since the day it was launched, this has been the first occasion that GBTC outflows have exceeded GBTC inflows. This has completely changed the narrative that this factor was likely affecting the drop in the price of BTC.
The Technical Analysis of: Prices of bitcoin are expected to recover to $45,000.
A recent upward trend in the price of bitcoin began in September and continues to this day. The price of Bitcoin (BTC) reached its highest level in two years on January 11, reaching $48,969, before falling to a low of $38,555. As of the time this article was written, the price of Bitcoin (BTC) was trading at $43,374, having made a return over the $43,000 barrier on Tuesday.
Bitcoin (BTC) is encountering resistance in the bearish imbalance zone, which extends between $43,870 and $45,562 and is located upward.