
Battle Results: 6% Loss, 6% Overall Profit. Annoying Scammer Harassing People. Free Sharing in Small


Today's battle results: I lost about 6% of one uma, and the overall profit after subtracting the loss is about 6%. There is a scammer who keeps typing and harassing people. It's really annoying. He even opened an account for me. I want to give you a chance. Do you want to be detained for 10 days during the Chinese New Year? Is it so difficult to share for free? So far, I haven’t seen any pictures. They all rely on a keyboard to hold the follow-up and there will be no response. If you continue to chatter, let PCS take care of this idiot. Just stay in China and I won’t do any illegal or criminal acts. Free sharing in small groups. Continue to use it. Just ignore that idiot and block him. Why are you shouting there by yourself? Because no one else has lost money, you want to cheat on me? I won’t give you a single point. Someone told me later that if you are still posting, PCS will intervene and let you spend the Chinese New Year inside. Have a rest. Good night. BATTLERESULTS6LOSS6OVERALLPROFITANNOYINGSCAMMERHARASSINGPEOPLEFREESHARINGINSMALLGROUPSGOODNIGHT


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