
SUI TVL Surpasses Expectations


I didn’t expect the predictions made a few days ago to come true so quickly. SUI’s TVL is second only to OP, and ranks third among non-EVMs. The top two are TRON and SOL. If the stablecoins of USDT and USDC are excluded, OP’s TVL and SUI are almost the same. After SUI has a native stablecoin, TVL may be second only to SOL.According to the TVL on SOL is 1.6 billion US dollars, the FDV of SOL is 55.9 billion US dollars.Using TVL as the valuation standard, the TVL on SUI is 480 million U.S. dollars. Then the FDV of SUI is estimated to be 16.77 billion U.S. dollars, and the corresponding SUI price is 1.67 U.S. dollars.In addition, the odds of the SUI chain are much greater than the second-level narrative, and the upper limit will be higher than the second-level narrative. SUITVLSURPASSESEXPECTATIONS


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