
Can I live comfortably with a personal net worth of 10 million?


Now the bank's income is about 3,000 per day. After reading everyone's answers, I am now worried. If this continues, it will soon be bankrupted by inflation, and we will still have to earn compound interest on a monthly salary of 3,000. Does anyone know the Country Garden security team? I can give you some tea and arrange for me to come in.

In fact, it mainly depends on what kind of life you want to live. If you don't have too many desires, you can live comfortably for 10 years.

If you believe that there are indeed classes in this society, then you can read on.

If you don't believe it and you think everyone is equal, then there is no need to read any more.

People with tens of millions of assets are actually the happiest. The happiest person is to have about 70-80 million.

As long as you don't gamble or start a business, and just spend money on daily life, you will basically have more money to spend until you die.

Some people say that if I have this money, I should spend it vigorously in the first year, spending 5 million first. In fact, after you have it, you will feel extremely boring after you spend it, because you will no longer have any excitement. No matter how you use money to find stimulation, your dopamine is no longer secreted enough to make you feel good.

You will lose the original sense of urgency and your original intention. This is the only way for people who have reached this level.

There is no need for tens of millions of people to work around for survival materials. As long as they don't think about climbing up, for example, they must make hundreds of millions, they must become famous people, and they must become the chess pieces of first-class people. , then this kind of happiness can be said to be very full.

If you want to think about everything and grasp everything, your life will eventually be controlled by these things. When you can let go of everything, you will find that the world is yours and you own everything. #币圈 #BTC


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