
Cryptocurrency Updates: Minimum $GBTC outflow, Coinbase delists $SNT, dApp Staking V3, Valhalla Meta


What happened to cryptocurrencies in the past 12 hours? - Minimum $GBTC outflow- Coinbase delists $SNT- $SUI + pocket space- dApp Staking V3- $MEME airdrop checker- Valhalla Metaverse- $MCRT Magic Universe- security incident• Today’s lowest outflow day for $GBTC – $52 million• Coinbase will suspend trading of Status $SNT on February 22.• - Astar plans to launch dApp Stake V3 next week, and Tokeneconomics V2 will be deployed soon.• – Floki announces the launch of the Valhalla Metaverse on February 15th.• $LINK - According to lookonchain, whales accumulated 4.56 million $LINK ($83.6 million) via 55 new wallets on Binance in 5 days.• $MCRT - MagicCraft launches MagicVerse, a new Web3 gaming universe with the $MCRT token, and announces two games.• $MEME - Memeland's $MEME airdrop checker is now live. Farming Season 2 will be integrated into Stakeland.• - According to PeckShield, Playdapp appears to have had its private keys compromised. 200 million tokens minted.• $SUI - In partnership with Mysten labs, a self-play PvP game @pocketspacegg is launching on the Sui Network.• $VR - Victoria VR announces the launch of CQB Arena.• $ZTX - ZTX Beta is officially launched.• OpenAI CEO Sam Altman is in talks with investors to raise money for chip, AI initiatives. $WLD** **Please like/retweet to support :)thanks for reading! ?CRYPTOCURRENCYUPDATESMINIMUMGBTCOUTFLOWCOINBASEDELISTSSNTDAPPSTAKINGV3VALHALLAMETAVERSEMCRTMAGICUNIVERSE


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