
The Power of Positive Thinking


️ Why You Should Stay Positive ️I always say, when you are confused, just zoom out and see bigger picture. Mostly people and investors are stuck with day to day transactions and plan and execute based on what they see daily,I prefer to keep historical facts in mind, this help me to execute successful trades and good profits.I told you beforehand that we could expect some downward volatility because cpi news and we saw just a little shakeout.The reason these news are not that effective now is because spot etfs are approved and being traded massively by institutions which bring govt level influence and regulations.Market moves on differ aspects and currently it is just following and making historical moves, which brings wild opportunities for us to buy as much as we can.Sometime from now bitcoin will be sitting above $60,000 and above while already would be sitting at 500% and you will be waiting for correction said by your favorite influencers.You are safe if you are holding something instead nothing.Right now market is perfect to get entry with DCA mindset. So if you have enough funds you can buy with 2% of your portfolio with low leverage and hold them up. Similarly you can buy in spot too. Coins remain same, Spoiler Alerts Altcoins haven’t moved the way they supposed to move, so plan carefully. THEPOWEROFPOSITIVETHINKING


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