对下一次加密货币牛市最常见的预测通常是从专家认为投资者应该购买的代币开始。 同时,您应该考虑将对加密货币行业产生影响的主要技术发展。 一些值得注意的发现包括项目向 web3 的过渡以及大投资者偶尔增加的流动性。 关注有可能通过创造性用例提高加密货币接受度的新举措也很重要。 在即将到来的 2024 年加密货币牛市中,让我们探讨有关以用户为中心的趋势和技术发展的最重要的预测。 1. 虚拟宇宙的发展
根据对 2024 年下一次加密货币牛市的主要预测之一,元界发展有可能出现显着增长。对未来几年元界行业增长的预测相当乐观,这对加密货币市场来说是个好兆头。 据预测,元宇宙市场有潜力增长到整个加密货币市场约10倍的规模。 预计在下一次加密货币牛市期间将出现新的大规模努力,这对元宇宙来说是个好消息。 例如,迪拜处于这一运动的最前沿,刚刚公布了一项全面的元宇宙计划,并制定了明确的五年路线图。 迪拜有意吸引更多区块链和元宇宙开发公司。 此外,令人鼓舞的是,亚马逊、苹果、微软和 NVIDIA 等科技巨头正在开发元宇宙平台。 此外,下一次加密货币牛市对元界技术的预测暗示了政府支持元界平台的可能性。 同样重要的是研究公共和私人元宇宙如何相互作用。 尽管预计在下一次牛市期间将推出许多新的虚拟宇宙平台,但只有少数平台能够在激烈的竞争中生存下来。 2. GameFi 的起源
According to predictions for the cryptocurrency bull market in 2024, the next big trend will be GameFi's ascent. Metaverse technology is closely related to GameFi, which is an intriguing fact. Although there are some who think the GameFi business isn't worth investing in given the state of the crypto market, it's important to differentiate between old and new initiatives. The rapidly expanding world of new GameFi projects becomes apparent when one looks more closely at the top ten tendencies in predicting crypto bull runs.In contrast to its forerunners, the earlier GameFi initiatives relied heavily on a Ponzi scheme to lure in investors and players. Many of these initiatives failed because withdrawals exceeded inputs due to poor visuals and unengaging gameplay.It seems that GameFi initiatives are moving away from the conventional strategy of luring players with profit promises, according to predictions for the next crypto bull run. Indeed, according to GameFi's crypto bull run prediction, big video game studios are working on GameFi projects. But, GameFi's chances of succeeding in the current crypto bull market are highly dependent on the incorporation of some potential upgrades, such as comprehensive tokenomics and engaging visuals.3. Tokens That Cannot Be Lost or Swapped
One interesting facet of the impending crypto bull run is the importance of non-fungible tokens. After surviving the crypto bad market, NFTs are now seen as a prominent trend in projections of the next crypto bull run. Why? On the secondary market, many NFT collections don't trade very often. A typical NFT drop will see a dip in volume within a few months after debut, since most individuals will be collecting the NFTs. There will likely be significant developments in NFT technology as the cryptocurrency market prepares for another bull run.Improving the usefulness of NFTs is a prominent forecast for the next crypto bull market. Furthermore, developers are anticipated to provide roadmaps for the long term. There may be a surge in NFT adoption in the retail and music sectors in 2024, which is another interesting thing about the crypto bull run. Additionally, NFTs are expected to see growth in the crypto bull market due to the development of new standards for NFT tokens, the expansion of large-scale enterprises, and the formation of a market for NFT loans.4. Assets in the Real World That Are Tokenized
One of the most anticipated predictions for the crypto bull market in 2024 is that it would encourage the tokenization of physical assets. Major organizations seem to be treading carefully through this revolutionary transformation, while many smaller businesses have been experimenting with tokenization. Instead of going all in, they've been concentrating on tokenizing subsidiaries and testing their capabilities on smaller exchanges.Although the tokenization of real-world assets isn't exactly a hot topic right now, it might wind up being the greatest trend for predicting the next crypto bull run—mainly because there haven't been many notable success stories in this area. On the other hand, real-world asset tokenization might be driven by the expansion of current initiatives like Centrifuge and Maple Finance, as well as by the development of the industry, during the crypto bull run.5.Integration of Web3 with Artificial Intelligence
In the next crypto bull run, another interesting topic to watch is the integration of AI into web3. One prominent feature of the web3 environment is artificial intelligence. Crypto bull run forecasts for 2024 indicate, intriguingly, that AI-based projects would see significant growth. More money is likely to flow into blockchain and web3 companies that use artificial intelligence. The most important thing is to find crypto and web3 startups that leverage AI and really help people.6. DAOs, or Decentralized
Autonomous Organizations, Becoming More PopularIn 2024 and 2025, DAOs—Decentralized Autonomous Organizations—will be a major player in the cryptocurrency bull market. Digital Asset Organizations (DAOs) provide a decentralized system for managing projects or organizations. On the other hand, developing user-friendly tools that facilitate the adoption and deployment of DAOs should be a priority. Also, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) can't show off their meteoric rise in popularity without efficient methods for governing bigger groups.Being predicted to be one of the top 10 crypto bull runs highlights the exponential growth potential of DAOs during this market upturn. By the end of the next bull run, DAOs might have grown substantially as a solution to the problem of outdated crypto industry governance paradigms.7."DeFi" stands for "decentralized finance."
One of the most significant developments that will rule the cryptocurrency bull market in 2024 is decentralized finance, or DeFi. Locked assets in DeFi solutions are almost as valuable as deposits at a large US bank. Total Value Locked (TVL) is expected to rise steadily because to the increasing liquidity in the DeFi market. In the DeFi market, TVL represents the total amount of monies that have been locked.It is intriguing to think that new kinds of DeFi solutions may be introduced during the current crypto bull run. We anticipate that these fresh approaches will include ground-breaking concepts that transform conventional banking. Within the DeFi ecosystem, there are novel lending protocols and multichain services, for instance. Furthermore, decentralized protocols that are specifically built to interface with physical assets will see a significant uptick.8.The emergence of ground-breaking decentralized applications
The rise of new decentralized apps (dApps) is included in the collection of important forecasts for the next crypto bull run in 2024. New decentralized applications (dApps) will soon be available, developed by both established companies and upstarts. Devoted developers may find success with these creative dApps, which may provide game-changing solutions for the cryptocurrency sector. More people will utilize the cryptocurrency market if these cutting-edge decentralized applications are available, which should lead to faster growth.9. Moving to Web3 on a Massive Scale
Forecasts for the next crypto bull run also point to the possibility of a broad shift to web3. One prominent industrial trend that sticks out is the large-scale transition from web2 to web3, which is often seen as the most common forecast for the crypto bull run that is expected to dominate 2024. A growing number of web3 initiatives will shift their focus to decentralization and value benefits for users. As a result, more decentralized apps will appear in the cryptocurrency market, attracting a larger user base.10. The Mass Use of Crypto Payments Is Exploding
The imminent crypto bull run is likely to have the most noticeable effect on the increasing acceptance of crypto payments by the general public. Hotels and supermarkets are expected to accept cryptocurrency payments more often as a consequence of this growth. Predictions for the crypto bull run in 2024 also highlight the widespread use of cryptocurrencies in several contexts. For example, cryptocurrency has the potential to replace traditional payment methods for many products and services, including plane tickets. The impending bull run in cryptocurrency prices may pave the way for their broad adoption and use in regular transactions.#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #Launchpool #PIXEL