
The Myth of 150 Times Wealth


Let’s hit those hardcore guys who are still daydreaming.Someone bought a certain copycat and made hundreds of times the profit in one fell swoop.This should be Liao Cai’s favorite story of getting rich. What I have always advocated is that copycats can be played, but positions must be controlled. The main position should still be based on the big pie Ether. However, the general reaction of retail investors is that they all know that playing mainstream is stable. , but you have to wait until you start a business through copycats before seeking stability. Think about it beautifully. For example, do you know what it means to earn 150 times by buying a dog?First, if you dare to gamble with a copycat, how courageous/gambling do you have to be?Second, you actually selected a hundred times among thousands of junk coins. How sharp your vision/lucky you are.Third, there are countless violent corrections among dogs, and you can always hold on and not sell.How great is your experience.Fourth, you have to accurately buy at a relatively low point and sell at a high point. How awesome is your technique?The occurrence of this kind of story requires top-notch abilities, luck, mind, and technology.It is obviously one of the most difficult of all playing methods. Generally, only the protagonists of Internet cool articles think that this is an easy thing to do. Everyone will be envious when they see the myth of 150 times wealth.However, you turn around and start practicing on your own. One or two copycats in Chongcang Stud will realize your dreams a hundred times over. Did you just enter the venue with money and forget to bring your brains?It’s dawn, wake up. There are hundreds of thousands of people buying dogs. Can you find three people you really know who have earned 150 times this year?Playing copycats, a safer way is: in the bull market, compile the track index yourself. If you want to buy, buy all the leading high-quality assets of a certain track. If the east is not bright and the west is bright, you can take the trend dividend of a track in the bull market. This is the feasible way for ordinary people to get rich.


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