
Currency Circle Updates: New Token Economics, Incubator Launch, Game Launches, Funding, Airdrops, an


Major events in the currency circle 23/02/24• - EOS CEO announces new token economics.• $ELF - aelf launches blockchain incubator AEVOLVE Labs.• $TROY - The PC version of Troy War is scheduled to launch at the end of April.• $LOKA - Details announced for new game Kingdom Alliance Chronicles.• $FLR - $35M in funding from Kenetic Capital, Aves Lair, and others.• $PDA - Upbit will support token swap for Playdapp, trading will be suspended on February 26th.• $PANDORA - Pandora conducted an airdrop for holders holding at least 0.01 PANDORA.• - Uniswap proposes to introduce fees to reward holders for staking and delegating their tokens to UNI.• $CRV - CRV liquidity trading platform Llamalend is about to be launched, and the project has raised US$1 million in financing.• $BNX - BinaryX launches an IGO project on ERC404, and those holding more than 1,000 BNX are eligible to join the whitelist.• - Beibei launches an "alliance" program that allows developers to fork Beibei code and launch it on other chains, and CAKE will benefit from the forked project.• $DPX - ARB chain options exchange Dopex was renamed Syryke, the token was renamed and forked proportionally, 1 DPX = 100 SYK, 1 rDPX = 13.333 SYK

热点:token GAME LAUNCH

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