
采用柴犬:新联盟在 25 个国家推出 SHIB 支付


由于两家最著名的金融服务提供商 Apcopay 和 CoinPayments 之间的合作,柴犬支付即将在全球约 25 个国家变得更加普遍。

Apcopay 与 CoinPayments 之间的合作关系

2 月 22 日星期四,正式宣布加密货币支付网关 CoinPayments 与从头到尾处理交易的全球支付平台 Apcopay 之间的合作伙伴关系。特别是,Apcopay 已将 CoinPayments 纳入其中进入其支付业务。


尽管 CoinPayments 支持 2,300 多种不同的加密货币资产,但该加密货币平台仅允许 175 种代币用于支付交易。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 是一种以狗狗为主题的模因货币,是 CoinPayments 客户在全球范围内可用来进行支付的主要加密货币之一。


Apcopay 通过使用加密货币平台强大的基础设施,使消费者能够从增加对 Shiba Inu 的访问中受益。

这导致该加密货币可供该平台上 25 个不同国家的 1,200 多家商家使用。

Apcopay 首席商务官 (CCO) Daniel Buttigieg 对这一新关系表示赞赏,称赞 CoinPayments 是全球加密货币支付领域的先驱提供商。


CoinPayments 业务开发高级经理 Marc Bourgeois 表达了他对此次合作的兴奋之情。

他强调了 Apcopay 通过在其平台上添加加密货币支付选项来扩大新受众范围的能力。


由于 CoinPayments 集成到 Apcopay 中,Apcopay 和 CoinPayments 的用户将可以完全访问 Shiba Inu 支付。



这表明 SHIB 支付最近越来越受欢迎。

这种加密货币已经以其拥有一个健康的社区而自豪,该社区由数千名 SHIB 爱好者组成,他们购买和存储带有狗图案的代币,并将其用于日常交易。

Previous data from IntoTheBlock indicates that SHIB has been witnessing a significant increase in the number of new users in 2024, indicating that it has been getting broad popularity. On February 17, the adoption rate of the cryptocurrency reached a peak of 39.27%, which indicates that at least two out of every five active SHIB addresses were new to the network. It is clear that the cryptocurrency is becoming more popular and in demand, as seen by the significant growth in the number of new users. The price of SHIB is now trading at $0.0000094, which reflects a decrease of 0.28% over the course of the last twenty-four hours and a decrease of 2.73% over the course of the previous week, as reported by CoinMarketCap. The cryptocurrency has been gradually evolving with new initiatives in its ecosystem, with the goal of increasing the value of the cryptocurrency and increasing the pace at which it is adopted all over the world.

热点:柴犬 国家 推出 支付

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