


To be honest, Lao Zhang, I am a little afraid of heights, so I reduced my position by 70%As a traditional trader, I am really afraid of the crazy skyrocketing of the market without any correction, which will destroy all indicators.Do you really want to make a revolution? Ha ha.Lighten up and lighten up your positions.The previous floating profit was pocketed, and a new position was opened for time-sharing transactions.The original intention was to lower the average price, but unexpectedly it kept rising, and the average price became even higher.Option hedging, making money these days is scary.Last night, more than 80% of the option margin was occupied, and the position was almost liquidated.I was so scared that I quickly doubled my deposit today.It's really outrageous. Can anyone feel how difficult it is to liquidate options?I opened a second-tier out-of-the-money position. The Delta value is only 0.3. They almost went bankrupt.Awesome.Having made money, now it’s time to prevent a retracement.Sharing some of my experiences, brothers who like conservative trading can refer to it.The first is to reduce positions. This year’s income target is basically achieved ahead of schedule, so there is no need to fight anymore.The second is to be cautious in chasing higher prices, be sure to prevent liquidation, and do not open high leverage.The third is to hedge well and replace delta neutral with nominal market value neutral.The fourth is to buy a certain amount of put options to prepare for a callback.complete. I wish you all great fortune in the Year of the Dragon!

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