
The Real Pressure Level is 30,000-33,000


I think will reach 70,000 within a month.Save money: The real pressure level for is 30,000-33,000, not that bullshit 69,000. A 70,000 call option expiring in one month would be a good idea to gamble on.69,000 has never been a real pressure level. The entire market trend from 2020 to the present is actually a story like this: when the price first reached 60,000 dollars and collapsed, the power of bargain hunting came from around 30,000-33,000. .A large number of copycats at 30,000 finally lifted the market and continued to rise. Finally, it created a double top when it reached 69,000 and continued to fall. After that, it also found support around 33,000, but this time there was not enough power to let the market go up. The market reversed, and eventually, the price fell below 30,000 all the way to 15,000.In fact, in this entire market wave, the real range of large-scale bottom buying is 30,000-33,000. That is the part circled in yellow. These copycat chassis subsequently fell into painful resistance.Therefore, when the price rose from 15,000, what really blocked the market was the integer of 30,000, which blocked for half a year.I don't think there is any resistance at 69000, 69000 is just a MEME and there isn't really much volume there.Just like I pointed out in 2020, 20,000 is not the real pressure level, the real pressure level is 12,000.


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