如果您本周在互联网上花费了很多时间,特别是在 X(以前的 Twitter)上,您可能会遇到“威利·旺卡体验格拉斯哥”的有趣故事,这是一种在仓库中举办的身临其境的儿童戏剧体验在这座苏格兰城市,人工智能生成的图像被宣传为比单调的现实更加奇妙。
当 X 用户 Chris Alsikkan 于 2 月 26 日星期一发布相关帖子时,该帖子被曝光,他评论说“显然这是作为威利旺卡现场体验出售的,但他们使用网站上的所有人工智能图像来售票,然后人们出现并看到这让坏人都报警了,哈哈哈。”
显然,这是作为现场威利旺卡体验出售的,但他们使用网站上的所有人工智能图像来售票,然后人们出现并看到了这一点,这让坏人打电话给警察 lmao pic.twitter.com/tfkyg0G0WG
— 克里斯·阿尔西坎 (@AlsikkanTV) 2024 年 2 月 26 日
他报告说,由于活动与广告存在巨大差异,警方被报了警,随后的报道指出,参加者要求退还每人 35 英镑的门票。
如果现在去他们的网站,你会看到这个,我保证,这场 AI 字形灾难是真实的 https://t.co/nchBpJjnUx pic.twitter.com/nibcv1uFrP
- Dana (bsky ? danaw) (@dswhite7) 2024 年 2 月 27 日
AI 影响之旅 – 纽约
我们将于 2 月 29 日在纽约与微软合作,讨论如何平衡人工智能应用的风险和回报。
然而,从那时起,痴迷于 X 的用户进行了更多的挖掘,发现该活动的幕后黑手比利·库尔 (Billy Coull) 似乎也在使用人工智能在亚马逊上制作低质量的自行出版书籍,而格拉斯哥旺卡体验 (Wonka Experience) 的表演者给定一个似乎也是人工智能生成的脚本。
天哪,格拉斯哥 Reddit 子版块上有一篇关于这个人的帖子,其中包含一些附加信息,包括他在亚马逊上有大量由 ChatGPT 撰写的书籍,并且拥有一堆来自未经认可的“塞多纳大学”照片的虚假形而上学学位。 .twitter.com/ipIISjSXSt
- 猫先生 (@_mrpussy) 2024 年 2 月 27 日
— 作者 Séamas O'Reilly (@shockproofbeats) 2024 年 2 月 28 日
Is this all a cautionary tale for AI run amok, how it can be used to pollute not just the internet but real life with enticing yet ultimately low-quality productions?
It certainly isn’t a great look for the technology’s impact on the real world. And even some of the more promising generative AI news in recent days has been called into question.
The news of the Wonka Experience Glasgow AI fail came just days before Swedish e-commerce startup Klarna reported massive success with its AI customer service chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT models — which apparently chalked up impressive stats such as 2.3 million conversations in a month (two-thirds of the total for the period) and an eight-minute drop in errand resolution (from 11 to 2 minutes), handling the work of 700 human employees, all with similar customer satisfaction scores (not provided).
Yet these numbers aside, even the quality of the experience offered by Klarna’s chatbot has been called into question, with X user Gergely Orosz, a former Uber engineering manager, reporting that his usage of it revealed it to be ultimately a fairly simplistic engine for regurgitating company policies and documentation, and passing the user off to a human agent to resolve their issues.
When something sounds too good to be true – maybe it is?Did Klarna really fully replace 700 customer support agents overnight?I did what few retweeting this do: tried Klarna’s AI assistant.It’s... underwhelming. It recites exact docs and passes me on to human support fast. https://t.co/FqAK1veBD2
— Gergely Orosz (@GergelyOrosz) February 28, 2024
Meanwhile, libertarian and conservative-leaning tech magnates such as X owner Elon Musk continue to rage on their profiles about the issues with Google’s Gemini AI chatbot, which users have revealed go beyond its historically inaccurate, racially confused imagery — instead equivocating on issues of morality such as Hitler’s impact and whether or not it is permissible for users to be proud of their “white” or Caucasian heritage.
Getting less attention are screenshots purporting to show odd responses from Microsoft’s rival Copilot AI assistant, powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 and a fine-tuned Microsoft model called Deucalion, which reminded some X users of Microsoft’s previous ill-fated chatbot Sydney.
Sydney is back! Sydney is back! https://t.co/qLICZNxUfR pic.twitter.com/6paSiAz6Y1
— TracingWoodgrains (@tracewoodgrains) February 27, 2024
All of this happened the same week 404 Media, an independent investigative tech outlet run by journalists, revealed documentation showing that WordPress and Tumblr owner Automattic is in late stage discussions to license user data from said platforms to OpenAI and Midjourney for training their AI models.
当然,上周有消息称,谷歌每年向 Reddit 支付 6000 万美元,以获得抓取 Reddit 用户发布的数据来训练其人工智能模型的权利。本周,我们从《广告周刊》获悉,谷歌正在与当地新闻媒体合作,并向当地新闻媒体付费测试一种新的人工智能文章写作工具,据报道该工具可以聚合来自其他新闻媒体和政府机构网站的信息,尽管谷歌搜索因展示人工智能抄袭其作品而面临小型出版商越来越多的批评。
而且,我们不要忘记,法国人工智能初创公司 Mistral 与微软签署了一项协议,接受投资,以换取通过微软的 Azure 云提供 Meta 开源 Llama 的经过调整的人工智能模型变体,这让欧盟 (EU) 的用户感到愤怒服务——这一协议似乎违背了其先前声明的对欧洲独立的承诺。
Mistral 似乎也正在退出开源社区,从其网站上删除了有关支持这一运动的语言,同时确保其最新型号 Mistral Large 是一个封闭、私有和受限的型号。
Mistral AI 是一家法国公司,一直在竭尽全力弱化 #AIAct 的基础模型规则,目前它正在与微软合作。
— 卢卡·贝尔图齐 (@BertuzLuca) 2024 年 2 月 26 日
提供它的公司能否继续以其实用性和功能让他们惊叹不已,或者他们最终会尝试人工智能工具并像旺卡格拉斯哥悲惨世界的可怜参与者一样失望(其 Oompa Loompa 表演者似乎并不太兴奋了,不能去那里,要么)?
这张来自威利·旺卡 (Willy wonka) 经历的照片是年度最佳照片。
请尽快找到这位需要接受采访的女士 pic.twitter.com/97wsodLLpQ
(@agneponx) 2024 年 2 月 27 日