
Meme Trend Choices: Doge, Pepe, Bonk, Floki, Shiba, or Wif?


Which meme trend did you choose? $Doge is like the first wife, safe but lacking a bit of passion.$Pepe is like a mistress, passionate and climaxing one after another$Bonk is like Xiaosi, it’s easy to lose control when it’s on fire$Floki $Shiba is like an old lover, when we meet again we will have a passionate relationship$Meme is like 419. Once you get high, you will never forget it. He is obviously from a good family (the road map is neat and tidy), but he follows the coquettish bitches every time.$wif is my new love. I’ve tried it and said it’s good.But as a man, no matter what choice I make, of course I have to make it.But in the end, the one who stays together may be my wife.


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