在本指南中,我们将逐步介绍如何在 Unity 中创建一款非常适合初学者的简单游戏。 我为这个项目选择了 Solana 生态系统。 我们将开发一款基本的收藏游戏,玩家可以在简单的 2D 环境中获取数字资产(NFT)。 本教程旨在提供一些如何在 10 分钟内简单有效地进入热门区块链游戏行业的知识。
第 1 步:设置您的 Unity 项目
打开 Unity Hub 并创建一个新的 2D 项目。
第 2 步:基本场景设置
在层次结构中右键单击,选择 2D Object - Sprite,为玩家创建地面。
添加玩家:在层次结构中右键单击,选择“创建”-“2D 对象”-“精灵”。 这将是你的玩家。 为简单起见,这可以只是一个彩色方块。
第 3 步:玩家移动
从 Inspector 添加一个 Rigidbody 2D 和一个 Box Collider 2D。
创建一个名为“PlayerMovement”的新 C# 脚本并将其附加到您的 Player 精灵。
粘贴此:使用 UnityEngine; 公共类 PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour { 公共浮动 moveSpeed = 5f; 公共浮动跳跃力= 5f; 私有 Rigidbody2D rb; 私人布尔 isGrounded = true; void Start() { rb = GetComponentRigidbody2D(); } void Update() { 浮动移动 = Input.GetAxis("水平"); rb.velocity = new Vector2(move * moveSpeed, rb.velocity.y); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGrounded) { rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, JumpForce), ForceMode2D.Impulse); 接地=假; } } void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D 碰撞) { if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground") { isGrounded = true; }
第 4 步:合并 Solana
导航到 Solana Unity SDK 文档(原始说明中提供的链接)。
按照以下步骤通过包管理器将 Solana Unity SDK 添加到您的项目。
添加 SDK 后,下载“SoulPlay”Unity 包并将其导入到您的项目中。
第 5 步:将 NFT 整合为收藏品
在您的游戏中,决定收藏品是什么(这些将代表 NFT)。
Write a simple script that detects when the player collides with a collectible and logs a message. This will be the placeholder for NFT collection logic.
Step 6: Setting Up NFT Interaction
Utilize the Solana Unity SDK to connect these collectibles with actual NFTs. For instance, each collectible sprite could represent a unique NFT on the Solana blockchain.
Follow the SDK guidelines to assign an NFT to each collectible in the game.
Step 7: Token Swap and Mobile/WebGL Deployment
Introduce a basic UI button for token swapping; use the Solana SDK to integrate actual functionality.
Prepare your Unity project for Mobile and WebGL platforms, adjusting settings for performance and compatibility.
Step 8: Testing and Finalizing Your Game
Test the game in Unity to ensure all mechanics work as intended.
Build and deploy your game to the desired platforms.
Perform final checks to ensure Solana functionality works on all platforms, particularly the NFT collection and token swap features.
Conclusion:Congratulations! You've just created a simple Solana-integrated game in Unity. This basic setup introduces you to the possibilities of blockchain gaming, allowing players to interact with NFTs within a simple collectible game framework.
Call to Action:Explore further! Expand your game with more features, different types of collectibles, and additional gameplay mechanics. And remember, this is just the beginning—there's a whole world of possibilities.
You can use ChatGPT if need a bit help, but this article is quite comprehensive. I'm very happy to share that, in a article months ago about how to create a token in seconds, I've helped around 30 people create their first token (hey contacted me). I know it's a small number, but if I could help even one person realize their dreams, I'm already happy.
In the next articles, I'll talk about:
Why and how to learn Unity (It's easy and helps with developing games for blockchains).
Best Tokenomics (It's very important to have good tokenomics to prevent your project from becoming a pump and dump).
How to attract investments (There's a big list of pages with investors to bring good exposure to your project; I'll provide a Huge list ).
How to build a community (Nowadays, many projects share exposure and active followers; in return, their community receives some airdrops. I'll bring a list).
Create a JavaScript Plugin in Unity:
Create a new file called Plugin.jslib in the Assets/Plugins folder in your Unity project.
Add the following JavaScript code for a simple Solana connection and NFT fetching:
javascriptCopy code
mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, { WalletConnect: function () { // 在此处初始化您的 Solana 连接 // 这是一个占位符函数,实际实现将根据您的设置而有所不同 console.log('Wallet connect'); }, FetchNFTs: function () { // 在此处获取 NFT 逻辑 // 这是一个占位符函数,实际实现将根据您的设置而有所不同 console.log('NFTs fetched'); } });
请注意,用于连接到 Solana 和获取 NFT 的实际 JavaScript 需要根据您的具体要求和 Solana Web3.js 库进行开发。
在 Unity 中,创建一个新的 C# 脚本来调用这些 JavaScript 函数,例如 SolanaIntegration.cs 。
使用 System.Runtime.InteropServices; 使用Unity引擎; 公共类 SolanaIntegration : MonoBehaviour { [DllImport("__Internal")] 私有静态 extern void WalletConnect(); [DllImport("__Internal")] private static extern void FetchNFTs(); 公共无效ConnectWallet() { WalletConnect(); } public void GetNFTs() { FetchNFTs(); } }
将此脚本附加到场景中的 GameObject,您可以调用 ConnectWallet() 和 GetNFTs() 方法,例如通过 UI 按钮单击。