
10 分钟内创建你的区块链游戏


在本指南中,我们将逐步介绍如何在 Unity 中创建一款非常适合初学者的简单游戏。

我为这个项目选择了 Solana 生态系统。

我们将开发一款基本的收藏游戏,玩家可以在简单的 2D 环境中获取数字资产(NFT)。

本教程旨在提供一些如何在 10 分钟内简单有效地进入热门区块链游戏行业的知识。

第 1 步:设置您的 Unity 项目

  • 打开 Unity Hub 并创建一个新的 2D 项目。

  • 将您的项目命名为“SimpleSolanaGame”。

第 2 步:基本场景设置

  • 项目打开后,转到“场景”视图。

  • 在层次结构中右键单击,选择 2D Object - Sprite,为玩家创建地面。

  • 缩放精灵以形成地面平台。

  • 添加玩家:在层次结构中右键单击,选择“创建”-“2D 对象”-“精灵”。



第 3 步:玩家移动

  • 在层次结构中选择玩家精灵。

  • 从 Inspector 添加一个 Rigidbody 2D 和一个 Box Collider 2D。

  • 创建一个名为“PlayerMovement”的新 C# 脚本并将其附加到您的 Player 精灵。

  • 粘贴此:使用 UnityEngine;

    公共类 PlayerMovement : MonoBehaviour


    公共浮动 moveSpeed = 5f;

    公共浮动跳跃力= 5f;

    私有 Rigidbody2D rb;

    私人布尔 isGrounded = true;

    void Start()


    rb = GetComponentRigidbody2D();


    void Update()


    浮动移动 = Input.GetAxis("水平");

    rb.velocity = new Vector2(move * moveSpeed, rb.velocity.y);

    if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && isGrounded)


    rb.AddForce(new Vector2(0f, JumpForce), ForceMode2D.Impulse);




    void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D 碰撞)


    if (collision.gameObject.tag == "Ground")


    isGrounded = true;




  • 编辑脚本以添加基本的左右移动和跳跃(如果需要,我可以提供一个简单的脚本)。

第 4 步:合并 Solana

  • 导航到 Solana Unity SDK 文档(原始说明中提供的链接)。

  • 按照以下步骤通过包管理器将 Solana Unity SDK 添加到您的项目。

  • 添加 SDK 后,下载“SoulPlay”Unity 包并将其导入到您的项目中。

第 5 步:将 NFT 整合为收藏品

  • 在您的游戏中,决定收藏品是什么(这些将代表 NFT)。

  • 在场景周围放置几个可收集的精灵。

  • Write a simple script that detects when the player collides with a collectible and logs a message. This will be the placeholder for NFT collection logic.

Step 6: Setting Up NFT Interaction

  • Utilize the Solana Unity SDK to connect these collectibles with actual NFTs. For instance, each collectible sprite could represent a unique NFT on the Solana blockchain.

  • Follow the SDK guidelines to assign an NFT to each collectible in the game.

Step 7: Token Swap and Mobile/WebGL Deployment

  • Introduce a basic UI button for token swapping; use the Solana SDK to integrate actual functionality.

  • Prepare your Unity project for Mobile and WebGL platforms, adjusting settings for performance and compatibility.

Step 8: Testing and Finalizing Your Game

  • Test the game in Unity to ensure all mechanics work as intended.

  • Build and deploy your game to the desired platforms.

  • Perform final checks to ensure Solana functionality works on all platforms, particularly the NFT collection and token swap features.

Conclusion:Congratulations! You've just created a simple Solana-integrated game in Unity. This basic setup introduces you to the possibilities of blockchain gaming, allowing players to interact with NFTs within a simple collectible game framework.

Call to Action:Explore further! Expand your game with more features, different types of collectibles, and additional gameplay mechanics. And remember, this is just the beginning—there's a whole world of possibilities.

You can use ChatGPT if need a bit help, but this article is quite comprehensive. I'm very happy to share that, in a article months ago about how to create a token in seconds, I've helped around 30 people create their first token (hey contacted me). I know it's a small number, but if I could help even one person realize their dreams, I'm already happy.

In the next articles, I'll talk about:

  • Why and how to learn Unity (It's easy and helps with developing games for blockchains).

  • Best Tokenomics (It's very important to have good tokenomics to prevent your project from becoming a pump and dump).

  • How to attract investments (There's a big list of pages with investors to bring good exposure to your project; I'll provide a Huge list ).

  • How to build a community (Nowadays, many projects share exposure and active followers; in return, their community receives some airdrops. I'll bring a list).


  • Create a JavaScript Plugin in Unity:

    • Create a new file called Plugin.jslib in the Assets/Plugins folder in your Unity project.

    • Add the following JavaScript code for a simple Solana connection and NFT fetching:

javascriptCopy code

mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {

WalletConnect: function () {

// 在此处初始化您的 Solana 连接

// 这是一个占位符函数,实际实现将根据您的设置而有所不同

console.log('Wallet connect');


FetchNFTs: function () {

// 在此处获取 NFT 逻辑

// 这是一个占位符函数,实际实现将根据您的设置而有所不同

console.log('NFTs fetched');



请注意,用于连接到 Solana 和获取 NFT 的实际 JavaScript 需要根据您的具体要求和 Solana Web3.js 库进行开发。

  1. 在 Unity 中,创建一个新的 C# 脚本来调用这些 JavaScript 函数,例如



使用 System.Runtime.InteropServices;


公共类 SolanaIntegration : MonoBehaviour



私有静态 extern void WalletConnect();


private static extern void FetchNFTs();





public void GetNFTs()





将此脚本附加到场景中的 GameObject,您可以调用



方法,例如通过 UI 按钮单击。


热点:区块链 区块链游戏 游戏

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