但教育心理学家 Michele Borba 在 2022 年为 CNBC Make It 撰文称,在养育一个成功的孩子方面,一个比另一个更重要。
作家兼心理学专家尼尔·埃亚尔 (Nir Eyal) 在 2019 年为 Make It 撰文称:“保持注意力不集中是 21 世纪最重要的技能,而许多父母却未能教会孩子这项技能。”
Eyal 建议尽早开始。
儿童心理学家 Tovah Klein 博士去年告诉 Make It,自我激励的能力是帮助孩子成长为成功成年人的两个重要特征之一。
Establish expectations for your child, with their input, when it comes to everyday actions like getting themselves ready for school, choosing after-school activities and doing their chores, bestselling author and parenting expert Esther Wojcicki recommends.
"The more you trust your children to do things on their own, the more empowered they'll be," Wojcicki wrote for Make It in 2022.
Eyal also suggested using tactics like making "effort pacts" with their kids, where they commit to specific limits on tempting distractions — like a one-hour daily limit on screen time.
Wojcicki raised three successful children — a doctor and two high-profile CEOs — but she never demanded perfection from them. That made a big difference, she noted.
Give your children room to fail, treating their mistakes and setbacks with empathy rather than scorn, to help them maintain confidence while learning to view failures as learning opportunities, she advised.
"Mastery means doing something as many times as it takes to get it right ... It was the learning and the hard work that I wanted to reward, not getting it right the first time," she wrote.
Perfectionism doesn't make your child more likely to succeed in the future, and it can contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and low self-esteem, research shows.
You can teach your kids to reframe how they think about making mistakes by openly discussing errors you've made, how you've solved problems and what you learned in the process, Bryant University psychology professor Allison Butler told Make It in January.
It's never too early to teach your kids about money: how to earn it, spend it wisely and save it while planning for the future. Most U.S. students don't learn those lessons in school, which can cost them money as adults, according to a 2023 survey by the National Financial Educator's Council.
Parenting expert Margot Machol Bisnow interviewed the parents of 70 highly accomplished adults for her 2022 book, "Raising an Entrepreneur: How to Help Your Children Achieve Their Dreams." Teaching financial literacy was a common thread for those parents, she found.
"Although the parents I spoke to never pushed their kids towards pursuing a high-paying job, all of them made an effort to teach their kids about money in one form or another," Bisnow wrote for Make It in 2022. You could give kids an allowance and insist they save up their own money to spend on items they want, but don't necessarily need, like a new pair of roller skates, she noted.
You can also try talking to your kids about money in practical, "matter of fact" ways, like discussing how much everyday items cost, says Alexa von Tobel, the Harvard-trained investor and founder of online financial advisory LearnVest.
冯·托贝尔上个月告诉《Make It》,告诉你的孩子,金钱只不过是“帮助你过上你想要的生活的工具”。
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