
Classic EOS Quotes: Our Lost Youth


Let’s review the classic EOS quotes together, that is our lost youth.

1. You don’t need that much, 1,000 EOS is enough. You will find that people do not need so much money in this life.

2. EOS itself has no risks. The biggest risk of EOS is that if you think there is a risk, you may not be able to hold it.

3. There is no need to analyze the reasons for the rise of EOS. The sun rises not because of the rooster's crow.

4. If you look at the K-line of eos a few years later, it will be just a straight line throughout 2023.

5. A common understanding is that there is no banker in EOS. Some people think they can be the banker. After pulling up and delivering the goods, I couldn't get into the car.

6. Being listed on an exchange is not a benefit for EOS. The listing of EOS on the exchange is a boon for the exchange.

7. I don’t think ETH will become a rival of EOS. The goal of surpassing ETH seems too small for EOS.

8. In the future, you will find that you don’t care about the quality of life at all. Holding EOS in your hand is the highest quality of life.

9. Instead of taking out a car key, open Telegram. Look, I am in the EOS group.

10. When the EOS is 30 yuan, it is nothing to look at 120. When it is 6 yuan, it is 8,000. That is the big picture.

11. After the three waves, the price looks at 500. We do not rule out the possibility of speculation breaking through 100 US dollars and going straight to four digits.

12. You are all EOS millionaires. Holding 10,000 EOS in the future will be just as enjoyable as holding 10,000 ETH now.

13. In the long run, everyone will be in vain and your legs will be broken in the future.


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