
Bitcoin Price Prediction for April 2024


April 2024 BTC Price Prediction #BTC

Will Bitcoin hit $100,000 by the end of April?

If Bitcoin reaches 100,000 US dollars in April, it will need to increase by about 40% based on the current level of more than 70,000 US dollars; based on the current market value of Bitcoin: 1.4 trillion US dollars, or 19.65 million coins have been mined, by then Bitcoin The market value will reach about 1.96 trillion US dollars.

According to CompaniesMarketCap data, Bitcoin will surpass the market value of Amazon (USD 1.851 trillion) and Google (USD 1.710 trillion), ranking 6th in the world; it will be far away from fifth-placed Saudi Aramco (USD 2.045 trillion) and fourth-placed NVIDIA (USD 1.710 trillion). 2.13 trillion) is just one step away.

There is still some distance to go before the top three: gold ($14.261 trillion), Microsoft ($3.087 trillion), and Apple ($2.774 trillion).

At present, Bitcoin has been rising for 6 consecutive months, and including March, it has been rising for 7 consecutive months. There has never been such a long-term continuous rise in history. Even the last round of halving in 2021 is only a continuous rise. 6 months; as shown below:

With the current momentum of Bitcoin, there may be a chance to break the consecutive rise record. However, on April 30, the Federal Reserve will hold its third interest rate meeting this year. Will the main players take the opportunity to cause trouble?

Judging from the current situation, it is impossible for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates at its March 19 meeting, but what about April 30? If the expectation of an interest rate cut is strong, it may really break through 100,000 US dollars. Of course, if the U.S. CPI, non-agricultural data, etc. perform poorly in April and the interest rate cut expectations are not strong, the needle may be inserted at a high level and another 10,000-point plunge will occur. #HotTrends

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