



To foster a vibrant atmosphere within the HTX Community, we encourage your active participation in this campaign. After browsing through your favorite community posts, show your support by giving thumbs-ups, commenting, and following the creators. Feel free to share them on external social media platforms.

!!Must-read: Only the following creators are eligible to join March's Interaction Leaderboard:

1. During March, participants must accumulate at least 50 comments, with each comment containing a minimum of 50 characters.

2. During March, participants are expected to follow 10 or more creators in the HTX community.

3. During March, participants should give a minimum of 100 thumbs-ups.

4. During March, participants must share at least 10 HTX Community posts on external social media platforms.

Scoring Rules:

1. Interaction leaderboard rules

(1) Each thumbs-up on a post or following a creator will earn you 1 point. Please note that points won't be counted if you undo your thumbs-up and give it again on the same post or if you unfollow and then refollow a creator.

(2) Sharing an HTX Community post on external social media platforms will earn you 10 points.

(3) Leaving a comment with a minimum of 50 characters on a post will earn you 2 points.

(4) Bonus Points for Top Commenters (Applies exclusively to the top 100 participants with the highest combined scores from the first three interaction leaderboard rules.)

Top Commenters earn an additional 20 points. (Scoring Rules for Top Commenters: To qualify as a Top Commenter, participants should consistently contribute to meaningful discussions by posting multiple comments, each with a minimum of 100 characters. Rankings are determined by the total combined count of thumbs-ups and replies received for comments posted during the event period. The more thumbs-ups and replies you receive, the higher your score. However, multiple replies from the same UID account will be counted only once. In March, the top 30 users will be selected as Top Commenters from among the top 100 participants with the highest combined scores based on the first three interaction leaderboard rules.)


1st Place: 20 USDT

2nd -10th Place: 10 USDT each

11th-20th Place: 5 USDT each

21st-40th Place: 2 USDT each

(If the number of participants who meet the selection criteria for March's Interaction Leaderboard campaign is less than 40, the selection will be based on the actual number of eligible users.)

Reward Rules:

1. Rewards will be airdropped to the Huobi account under the UID.

2. Participants must complete L3 KYC Verification before the end of the event to be eligible for rewards.

3. Huobi reserves the right of final interpretation of this event.

Reward Distribution:

The list of winners will be announced within 7 working days after the end of the event, while the rewards will be issued within 20 working days after the winners are revealed.

热点:usdt 赢取

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