已从 99.4 亿美元增至 131 亿美元,社区热切等待 $TON 今年突破 5.89 美元的 ATH 峰值。
在深入研究 TON 上的著名项目之前,了解 TON 的长期潜力非常重要。
A. $TON 令人印象深刻的方面
1. TON 的本质
- Toncoin (TON) 是一个 去中心化的 Layer-1 区块链,由加密消息平台 Blue App (T) 于 2018 年开发。 该项目后来被放弃,由 TON 基金会接管,并更名为“开放网络”。
- 自 2020 年以来,该技术由非商业支持者团体和被称为 TON 基金会的独立爱好者社区进一步开发。 Toncoin,以前称为 Gram,是 TON 网络的原生加密货币。
- 最初的想法是将 TON 集成到一个用户友好的应用程序中,允许用户购买、发送和存储资金。 客户支付交易费用并使用 TON 进行结算或交易验证。 Toncoin 利用权益证明 (PoS) 共识模型来实现网络可扩展性和可靠性。 该平台旨在以最低的费用和第三方应用程序提供快速、透明、安全的支付服务。
2. 筹款活动
- $TON 最近于 2024 年 3 月上旬从 Mirana Ventures 额外筹集了 800 万美元。融资总额已达到 2400 万美元,由于自 2021 年上涨趋势以来不断融资,估值仍未公开。
- 值得注意的是,每轮融资 均未公开 ,每轮只有一名风险投资家参与。
- 就规模、历史背景、筹款、支持者、市值和价格波动而言,$TON 可能是加密货币领域最不寻常的资产之一。 它没有最大供应量。
- 自 2021 年以来的重要支持者包括:Runa Capital - 600 万美元(2021 年)、DWF Labs - 1000 万美元(2022 年)、Mask、MEXC、Kucoin、Animoca Brands - 待定(2023 年),以及最近的 Mirana - 800 万美元。
3. TON后面是蓝色的应用程序(T)
- Blue App (T) 目前估值已达 300 亿美元,而一个鲜为人知的事实是,T 是一家尚未上市 (IPO) 的私人公司。
- (T) 最近拥有 9 亿用户 ,创始人正在考虑下一步,可能通过 IPO 使 (T) 上市。
- 这些因素为 (T) 的“卖出新闻”效应提供了足够的理由,最终将 $TON 推向新的高度。
B. 值得关注的前 4 个项目
The number one community in TON ecosystem, to create a synergy effect within it through popularization and filling missing niches, services and products. On top of the TON blockchain the team launched the DFC token, which will socially connect all participants in this crypto sector into something more integral.
Several TON & market services are already created to demonstrate our capabilities and approach, as well as to continue recruiting and training the community.
$DFC is the basis for uniting people through the DAO, the connecting link in these processes. The final goal is to become within TON network the same major player with related ecosystem services as Binance once became for the entire crypto market and led it to new heights, uniting previously disparate members of the crypto community.
Market Cap: $76.91M, current price $0.77.
TonUP is a launchpad on TON. It is created to address the asset gap in TON and provide a supportive environment so new projects can take off successfully.
The technical structure of TON, employing a low-level FunC programming language and progressive sharding technology, provides TonUP with a significant edge. TON's success is evident, with over 3M active wallet addresses and a thriving ecosystem.
M.Cap: 33.48, current price at 2.25
JetTonGames is a unique cross-platform solution built on the TheOpenNetwork technologies. Native gaming token JETTON Full-fledged utility token integrated into the gaming platform;
NFT affiliate program Users can get NFT for each player they attracted. Those NFTs generate profit and can be sold on Jetton marketplace.
Not yet listed on any exchange but everything is very promising.
The timing is ripe, launching Notcoin $NOT during the craziest wave when $BTC jumps thousands of dollars in a week and dumps $10,000 in a day.
Combining several factors
Users transitioning from Web2 to the crypto world mostly came through blue app (T)
Games on (T) are flourishing, particularly idle games, casual games, lazy games, gambling, etc. The exception is Tap Fantasy, which moved directly from another blockchain to (T) and became a game on TON.
The latest is the CoinMarketCap's Crypto Awards.
Previously many said, "What's the point of listing this Notcoin?" because there were no memes and the games were not really games, it was probably just a slight spark because it's made by Ton.
Pre-market already caused this "shitty" valuation to drop somewhere, and now the lowest bidding price is calculated at 10M $NOT = 9.3 $TON.
与此同时,除了 $NOT 吸引了超过 2700 万额外用户参与挖矿之外, TON 上的
$FISH x15
$REDO x14
Durov (Blue app(T)的创始人)最近也添加了 Business 选项,扩大了其组织规模、公司等,当然,仍然“使用”TON 进行 直接支付 。
- $TON 的故事将会继续,并可能从 Notcoin $NOT 开始。
总之,整个生态系统将迎来一个强劲的增长阶段。 以下是 TON 未来 2 个月的重点关注领域:
- (重点关注社会缴费)
- 游戏化 (...)
- (休闲游戏):简单,不是平台。