尽管自 2023 年以来这两份报告都没有更新过,但这些国家多年来一直在实现性别平等和提高居民幸福感方面引领世界,至少自 2018 年以来在这两个榜单上均名列前茅。
在挪威,新父母有权享受总共 49 周的全薪假期或 59 周的 80% 薪假。
其中,15 周留给母亲,15 周留给父亲,剩下的 19 周可以由他们认为合适的人分享。
克里斯塔·亚历克斯 (Krysta Alexa) 是一名美国侨民,在挪威第二大城市卑尔根抚养两个孩子,目前正在与刚出生的儿子休产假(出于隐私原因,她拒绝透露自己的姓氏和孩子的名字)。
“在这里,我觉得我可以拥有一切,我可以平衡事业和母亲的身份,”这位 32 岁的项目管理人员解释道。
"The burden of being a working mother is made a lot lighter in Sweden as compared to the U.S.," says Linda Akeson McGurk, a Swedish-American writer raising her two daughters in southwest Sweden. McGurk lived in the U.S. for 15 years before moving back to Sweden with her kids in 2018.
As a single mom, McGurk was worried about finding after-school care for her daughters in Sweden, given how expensive — and in some cases, competitive — it was for them in the U.S.
But the 45-year-old says she was "pleasantly surprised" at how easy it was to find affordable child care, thanks to the government-subsidized after-school programs Sweden offers for students and their families.
Such policies' positive impact on women and families can't be understated. In Norway, increased federal financing for daycare has prompted more mothers to return to the workforce, while Sweden has one of the highest percentages of mothers in the workforce of the 38 countries counted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
"All of these different components of social welfare help lighten the load of parenthood and diminish the gap between genders," says McGurk. "That makes it a lot easier to hold on to a career, and a life overall, that you're happy with."
Some of the happiest countries in the world have introduced measures to shrink the gender wage gap. Workplace experts say such efforts could help workers there feel more secure and satisfied in their careers.
In August, New Zealand's government introduced legislation to require large businesses to report the state of their gender pay gaps in a bid to make workplaces more equitable, Bloomberg reports. While it's unclear when, or if, such legislation might pass, New Zealand already has one of the smallest gender wage gaps in the world, standing at about 14%, according to the WEF.
Six years ago, Iceland introduced a policy that requires organizations with more than 25 employees to prove that they pay men and women in the same roles equally.
While the WEF pegs the wage gap between men and women in Iceland at 21%, other sources, including the OECD, put the gap at closer to 10%.
If companies show they pay their employees equally regardless of gender, they receive a certification. Beginning in 2020, certification became a requirement for employers with 25 or more workers, and companies without certification incur a daily fine, according to Ines Wagner, a researcher at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo, Norway.
Wagner studied the impact of Iceland's pay transparency policy on workers' well-being and found that both employees and managers reported higher job satisfaction and trust in the workplace after its implementation.
例如,在冰岛,数万名妇女于 10 月份参加了为期一天的罢工,以抗议冰岛妇女面临的持续性别工资差距和基于性别的暴力。
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最适合女性的 20 个国家——美国不是其中之一
育儿专家和妈妈表示,瑞典有 164 年的养育快乐和坚韧孩子的秘诀
视频 9:21 09:21
我们在哥斯达黎加的生活比在美国好 - 这是费用