


How to take advantage of the bull market in 2024

1. The pie breaks through historical prices and opens a new bull market

On December 16, 2020, Bitcoin broke through the high point of the 2017 bull market and started a new round of bull market, reaching its peak in just 4 months.

2. Three years of waiting, just for these four months

After holding the currency for three years and waiting, just to seize the opportunity of the big rise in these four months, the wealth will be upgraded instantly.

3. The pie will hit a new high in 2024

On the evening of March 5, 2024, Bitcoin once again broke through an important threshold, but did not reach the expected high in 2021.

4. Market divergence and purification

Big cake prices fluctuated at high levels, and market differences were obvious. Bitcoin purifies the market, actively expels useless leverage, and returns wealth to the market.

5. Leverage liquidation and market expectations

A large number of leveraged transactions caused market volatility, but it also reflected the market's strong expectations for rising prices.

6. Meme coins lead the trend

Meme coins are active, indicating market trends. Observe Doge, Pepe, Shib, Bonk and other indicator coins to determine market trends.

7. This year may be a bull market

If Bitcoin can rise to 100,000 dollars in the next few months, it is expected to become a bull market this year and enjoy the feast of wealth in advance.

8. Be prepared to pick up money

The time to get rich may come earlier, and this year may be the best time. Everyone should seize the opportunity to welcome the arrival of wealth.

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