
Cryptocurrency Pre-sale Fraud Exposed: $149 Million at Stake


Blockchain news flash is here! Recently, on-chain detective ZachXBT tracked fraud in a series of cryptocurrency pre-sale events️‍️, involving an amount of up to $149 million! Here are the specifics:

1️⃣7000 SOL was sent to @Sartoshi0x, who then secretly took 62% of the SOL from the pre-sale without fully distributing the tokens;

2️⃣2100 SOL was sent to a fake Jared MEV bot account @Jared_eth (in June 2023, people also sent pre-sale funds worth $440,000 to another fake Jared account);

3️⃣3300 SOL was sent to a scammer named @bluekirbyftm (although he initially promised a refund, he ultimately decided not to issue a refund and posted a message);

4️⃣@Vombatus_eth ran away after receiving 13,000 SOL pre-sale funds.

According to statistics updated by ZachXBT, the recent 33 Solana ecological pre-sale projects have raised a total of more than 796,000 SOL (approximately US$149 million). In this market, we must remain cautious and optimistic about Bitcoin , but we must also pay close attention to the global regulatory dynamics of blockchain, industry trends and cryptocurrency news to ensure the safety of our investments!


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