
2024 年最值得投资的加密货币:全面回顾



展望 2024 年,四种加密货币因其颠覆市场的潜力而脱颖而出。虽然涉足早期投资存在固有风险,但这些代币提供了令人信服的创新组合、拥有良好业绩记录的经验丰富的团队以及准备渗透市场的产品。无论您是希望实现投资组合多元化,还是寻求高增长的潜在资产,这些加密货币都值得您关注。让我们来解开这些有望在来年呈指数级增长的有前景的项目。

BlastUP:Blast 生态系统早期投资者的启动平台

BlastUP 是一个启动板,旨在降低区块链初创公司的进入门槛,为他们提供取得初步成功所需的工具。它与 Blast 区块链的第 2 层解决方案集成,提供有吸引力的本机收益率,强调了其获得显着回报的潜力。 BLP 代币的预售价格暗示了潜在的收益,与历史上的加密货币意外之财相类似,并为早期参与提供了令人信服的案例。

BlastUP 的使命包括为 Blast 社区建立一个中心并支持早期初创公司。该平台因其对社区参与和创新的关注而获得认可。从分级 IDO 启动和质押奖励到独特的回购机制,BlastUP 旨在培育一个充满活力的生态系统。早期参与者可以期待空投和补充积分等独家福利,这是社区激励计划不可或缺的一部分。

展望未来,BlastUP 计划在 2026 年之前推出人工智能驱动的工具和社区市场,旨在增强生态系统的功能。这一演变预计将为参与和价值创造带来新的机会,符合 BlastUP 培育可持续和互联社区的愿景。

iZUMi Finance:通过可编程解决方案掀起 DeFi 流动性新浪潮

iZUMi Finance 通过跨多链提供全面的流动性即服务 (LaaS) 在去中心化金融 (DeFi) 生态系统中脱颖而出。它确保代币可持续、高效的链上流动性,同时引入 LiquidBox、iZiSwap 和 iUSD 等创新解决方案。这些产品专为增强以太坊、Arbitrum、Polygon 和 BNB Chain 等平台的流动性供应而量身定制。此外,LiquidBox 利用 Uniswap V3 提供流动性,iZiSwap 提供离散流动性 AMM 模型。

LiquidBox implements a targeted liquidity mining scheme, which enables precise incentive distribution within set price ranges, effectively addressing the high inflation and pressure from pool 2 dilemmas. iZUMi’s commitment to innovation is further evidenced in its roadmap, which outlines plans for expansion across the multi-chain ecosystem and the ambition to become a leading liquidity service platform in the DeFi industry. Through its structured incentives and bond farming initiatives, iZUMi not only optimizes liquidity provision but also introduces convertible bond-like flexibility for investors, marking a significant stride towards integrating DeFi and traditional financial models​​.

Port3 Network: Advancing Decentralized AI in Web3

Port3 Network is an AI data layer in the Web3 space, developed with the leadership of industry giants like Jump Crypto and Kucoin Ventures. It leverages extensive Web3 datasets, decentralized computing, and an open cross-chain execution layer to facilitate AI and intelligent strategy services. With a strong infrastructure, Port3 enhances decentralized data networks, reaching over 4.8 million users and incorporating more than 500,000 mobile devices globally.

The network introduces four components: the AI Data Layer for Web3 data standardization, DeCalc for growth through Federated Learning, OpenBQL for AI-driven cross-chain interactions, and SoPad for monetizing social influence. These features offer scalable, efficient solutions for data-driven Web3 ecosystem challenges. Port3 Network enhances data accessibility, interoperability, and the functionality of blockchain applications through its innovative approach.

Magic Square: Navigating Web3 with Community-Driven Engagement

Magic Square introduces a Discovery & Engagement Platform tailored for the Web3 projects, enabling users to navigate through a curated selection of apps and games. This platform is designed to enhance user engagement through rewards, giveaways, and use-to-earn opportunities, leveraging its native utility token, SQR, to facilitate a comprehensive ecosystem experience. Hosted on the BNB Smart Chain, SQR underpins the interaction between users, developers, and validators within Magic Square, embodying the seamless integration at its core.

Magic Square cultivates a community-driven environment that prioritizes the democratization of cryptocurrency and decentralized applications. By presenting a user-friendly platform that simplifies the complexity of Web3, it aspires to broaden cryptocurrency adoption. Beyond its role as an app store, Magic Square enriches the community experience with features like Magic Boost, Hot Offers, a Referral Program, Karma Rewards, and Project Validation. These initiatives empower users to influence the platform’s evolution, reinforcing Magic Square’s mission to forge a more accessible and inclusive digital landscape.


对于那些愿意探索其深度的人来说,加密货币市场充满了机遇。 BlastUP、iZUMi Finance、Port3 Network 和 Magic Square 等项目脱颖而出,成为创新的灯塔,提供的不仅仅是投资机会。它们代表了区块链技术的前进,解决现实世界的问题,并为更加去中心化、高效和包容的未来铺平道路。对于寻求下一个重大事件的投资者来说,这些项目不仅仅是投资,而且是加密生态系统更广泛发展的一部分。随着市场不断成熟,关注这些隐藏的宝石将是发掘区块链技术全部潜力的关键。

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