
Market Observation: Buying Opportunities After 30-Minute Correction


Tangleun Jiepan 3.27: Pay attention to the buying opportunities after the 30-minute downward correction.

I have something to go out this morning, so I want to briefly talk about the market situation and go directly to the picture:

The 30-minute level trends of Big Pie and Ether are basically the same, with Big Pie moving stronger than Ether. Today and tomorrow, we will mainly focus on buying opportunities when the 30-minute downward correction ends. We will use sub-level trend-type buying points to intervene in batches and expect to continue to counterattack upward.

Those who previously bought one or two in 30 minutes at a low cost can continue to hold, with the goal of breaking new highs upwards.

The above analysis is for reference only and does not constitute any investment advice!


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