
Unlocking Millions: A Look at Upcoming Token Releases


1. $APT is about to unlock $300 million in tokens

2. Cyber ​​is about to unlock $11.25 million in tokens

3. ARB is about to unlock $130 million in tokens

4. DYDX is about to unlock $6.09 million

5. RNDR is about to unlock $7.02 million

6. Manta is about to unlock $40.65 million

7. OP is about to unlock $72.24 million at the end of the month

8. Zeta is about to unlock $9.9 million in tokens at the end of the month

9. Aevo will unlock $2.3 billion in tokens next month

10. Pyth will unlock $1.7 billion in tokens next month

11. $STRK is about to unlock $120 million in tokens

热点:token A AT

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