我们看一下时间线: 2008年全球金融危机爆发后,有人用笔名“中本聪”发表了一篇论文来解释比特币的概念。 2008年,马斯克经历了一些重要时刻和挑战。首先,他当年成功将SpaceX的猎鹰1号火箭送入轨道。此前,SpaceX未能在2006年成功发射猎鹰1号火箭,但经过不懈努力,终于在2008年实现了这一目标。
同时,2008年也是特斯拉的关键时期。特斯拉今年濒临破产,马斯克甚至不得不借钱支付房租。今年他将自己持有的 PayPal 股份卖给了 eBay,获得了 1.8 亿美元的收益。不过,他并没有将这些资金用于个人奢华生活,而是投资于自己的三家新公司:特斯拉、SpaceX 和 SolarCity。
当大家还在思考如何更好地统治人类时,马斯克却在思考如何带领人类走出地球,成为第三次世界大战前的多星球文明。 (非常好)
对此,尼古拉斯评论道: 你认为他是神,但他不是。他连牟宗宏都不如。中本聪不是一个人,而是一个团队。他们背后可能有一支国家队。至于是哪个国家的国家队,你只能猜测。 BTC的完美不是少数人就能实现的。
1. Although most people suspected of being Satoshi Nakamoto have denied it, Australian computer scientist Craig Wright claimed to be Satoshi Nakamoto many years ago.
He reportedly wrote in a 2016 blog post that he was the real Satoshi Nakamoto and had evidence to support his claim.
Some people, including Musk himself, have previously believed that computer scientist Nick Szabo is the real Satoshi Nakamoto. When asked about his opinion on the identity of Nakamoto, Musk replied: "You can look at the evolution of ideas before Bitcoin was launched and see who wrote them."
He said that while he “obviously” didn’t know who created Bitcoin, Szabo’s theories appeared to be crucial to the creation of the leading cryptocurrency.Nick Szabo is a computer engineer and legal scholar. He coined the concept of smart contracts in a 1996 paper. In 2008, he proposed the concept of decentralized currency and published a paper on bit gold. He is considered a pioneer of Bitcoin. He is also a man who famously used pseudonyms starting in the 1990s. But Nick Szabo did not admit that he was Satoshi Nakamoto.
In March 2014, Newsweek claimed that Dorian Nakamoto was Satoshi Nakamoto. Dorian graduated from Caltech with a degree in physics and worked on classified defense projects.
The reason given by Newsweek is: There are some similarities between Satoshi Nakamoto and Dorian Nakamoto. For example, both men are said to share liberal leanings and Japanese traditions. And when Dorian Nakamoto answered a reporter’s question about Bitcoin, he seemed to acknowledge his identity as the father of Bitcoin: “I am no longer involved in it and cannot discuss it. It has been handed over. To others. They are in charge now. "But later Dorian Nakamoto said that he just misheard the reporter's question and thought that the reporter was asking about confidential work related to the military.
Moreover, Satoshi Nakamoto left a message on the forum that day saying: "I am not Dorian Nakamoto."
Satoshi Nakamoto leaves a message denying that he is Dorian Nakamoto
However, so far, Dorian Nakamoto’s image is still often used as the image of Satoshi Nakamoto, and some teams have even used his image to issue NFTs.
In May 2013, there were reports that Mochizuki Shinichi might be Satoshi Nakamoto. However, some people hold objections, because Mochizuki is a pure mathematician, and the technical foundation cryptography on which Bitcoin relies is quite different. And Satoshi Nakamoto himself may not be Japanese. Later, Mochizuki Shinichi himself denied this speculation.
Musk shared an image suggesting that the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto is just a combination of the first letters of four famous electronics companies: "Sa" comes from Samsung, "Toshi" comes from Toshiba, "Naka" comes from Nakamichi, and "Moto" comes from Motorola.
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区块链的概念,加上即将到来的大数据时代,可以说是未来的趋势。它的成长潜力是无限的,“中本聪”三个字的价值将是不可估量的! 创作并不容易。如果您觉得文章有趣,请点赞关注我。谢谢你!