
Bitcoin and Ethereum Surge, Altcoin Season Ahead? ETH, ENS, SSV, and OP See Significant Gains


Bitcoin shocks and repairs, Ethereum soars, is the altcoin season coming?

$BTC After yesterday's shock repair, the 4-hour level has already gone out of the downward trend. ETH recovered the decline of the previous week with a big positive line in the early morning and did not pull back. Funds have been involved since last week, and yesterday there was a big fund to buy the bottom. As long as BTC does not plummet, ETH will follow an independent trend, and altcoins have also shown $ETHFI .

Ethereum ecosystem coins generally rose, including:

$ETH is currently quoted at $3260.28, with a 24-hour increase of 5.5%;

$ENS is currently quoted at $16.48, with a 24-hour increase of 15.7%;

$SSV is currently quoted at $50.84, with a 24-hour increase of 15.8%;

$OP is currently quoted at $2.65, with a 24-hour increase of 16.1%

After the opening of the U.S. stock market next Monday, the ETF custody address will have a net outflow of about 1,310 BTC

Outflow: Grayscale (GBTC) and other three ETFs outflowed about 1,395 BTC (corresponding to an outflow of $89.04 million on April 26);

Inflow: Ark Invest (ARKB) inflow of about 85 BTC (corresponding to an inflow of $5.43 million on April 26).

Currently, the total number of BTC held by the eleven BTC spot ETFs is: 833,562 BTC (US$53.21 billion)

热点:Bitcoin ETH ENS

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