


土耳其濒临<a title='注册送加密货币' href='https://okk.meibanla.com/btc/ok.php' target='_blank' class='f_d'>加密货币</a>监管

土耳其是一个在全球加密货币市场中占有重要地位的国家,准备在 2024 年推出管理加密资产的法规。此消息是在土耳其财政部长 Mehmet Simsek 在 1 月份宣布的,他表示当地的加密立法正在制定中。即将完成。

尽管许多人预计土耳其议会将在 2024 年初开始监管加密货币市场,但官方立法草案尚未提交。这种监管清晰度的缺乏引发了土耳其加密行业内部对立法出台的时间表以及该国加密监管现状的质疑。



当地加密货币专家 Ismail Hakki Polat 将当前状态描述为针对加密资产的“非常轻微的监管”。土耳其央行于 2021 年实施的一项此类法规禁止在土耳其境内使用比特币等加密货币进行支付,因为它们不被视为法定货币。然而,波拉特强调了议会监督的缺乏,并对违反这一规则的潜在后果和处罚提出了疑问。他将其描述为一项“没有立足之地”的规定。

第二项监管属于金融犯罪调查委员会 (MASAK) 的职权范围,重点关注加密领域内的反洗钱 (AML) 措施。该法规要求交易所收集用户的某些了解你的客户(KYC)数据,以防止洗钱和恐怖主义融资等非法活动。

土耳其资本市场委员会 (CMB),也称为 SPK (Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu),在 2018 年发布了指导意见,禁止其管辖下的实体(例如银行和经纪自营商)进行加密货币交易,这让情况变得更加复杂。 Mindstone 区块链实验室首席执行官、行业领袖 Tansel Kaya 强调了本 SPK 指南的过时性。


尽管缺乏全面的加密货币立法,土耳其仍然是全球加密货币市场的主要参与者。土耳其总人口 8500 万中估计有 2000 万加密货币投资者,一些研究表明土耳其的采用率已超过 40%,这意味着每五个土耳其公民中可能就有两个持有加密资产。这转化为巨大的交易量,根据 Chainanalysis 数据,土耳其成为世界第四大加密市场,交易量估计为 1700 亿美元。

This surpasses established economies like Russia, Canada, Vietnam, Thailand, and Germany. In September 2023, the Turkish Lira even became the top trading pair for crypto on Binance, accounting for a staggering 75% of all fiat trading volume on the exchange. This surge in crypto activity within Turkey is attributed to a large influx of investors seeking alternative financial instruments.

土耳其濒临加密货币监管 Source: Chainalysis Beyond Catching Up: Turkey’s Crypto Regulations and the FATF Gray List

Turkey’s anticipated crypto legislation isn’t just about catching up with the times. The country’s aim is to improve its standing with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an intergovernmental watchdog promoting effective policies to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. In October 2021, the FATF placed Turkey on its “gray list” due to concerns about disproportionate regulation of the non-profit sector.

Local cryptocurrency expert Ismail Hakki Polat explains that Turkey must address 39 action items set by the FATF to be removed from the “gray list.” One of these action items specifically targets the crypto industry. The FATF requires member countries to comply with its framework to ensure virtual assets are not exploited for criminal activities. By implementing robust crypto regulations, Turkey hopes to demonstrate its commitment to combating financial crime and secure its removal from the FATF’s “gray list.”

Focus on Investor Protection: Licensing and Safe Custody Under the New Law

The upcoming Turkish crypto law will primarily focus on regulating and licensing cryptocurrency exchanges, henceforth referred to as Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) under the FATF framework. These regulations will establish clear guidelines for VASP operations, defining their liabilities and responsibilities towards their customers. Additionally, the law will set standards for safe custody – how VASPs must securely store crypto assets entrusted to them by their users.

This emphasis on investor protection stems from the fallout of a major Turkish crypto exchange, Thodex. The exchange abruptly shut down operations in April 2021, leaving investors high and dry. Thodex founder Faruk Fatih Özer was eventually sentenced in 2023 for fraud estimated at a staggering $2 billion. Beyond VASP regulations, the new legislation is also expected to finally provide a legal framework for taxing cryptocurrency transactions in Turkey.

Taxation and Tokenization

Local reports suggest the Turkish Revenue Administration plans to impose low-rate transaction taxes on crypto, potentially utilizing existing taxes like the Banking and Insurance Transactions Tax (BSMV) which currently sits at 5%. Cryptocurrency earnings are also likely to be subject to income declaration, but a zero withholding tax rate is reportedly being considered.



尽管最初预计 2024 年初会取得进展,但土耳其加密货币立法的确切发布日期仍不清楚。一些行业观察人士将这一时间安排与美国外国资产控制办公室 (OFAC) 即将举行的 6 月会议联系起来,该会议可能会考虑将土耳其从 FATF 中删除灰名单。行业领袖坦塞尔·卡亚 (Tansel Kaya) 表示,该法律及其法规需要在本次会议之前(可能是 5 月份)颁布。

当地专家伊斯梅尔·哈基·波拉特 (Ismail Hakki Polat) 提供了一个更广泛的时间表,建议可能在六月当前议会季结束时发布。不过,他承认可能会推迟到秋季甚至年底。波拉特表示,删除 FATF 灰名单的紧迫性似乎有所减轻。

土耳其濒临加密货币监管的帖子首先出现在 Coinfomania 上。

热点:加密货币 加密 监管 货币

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