现货交易 是最基本的投资形式,这使其成为最常见的交易形式,尤其是在加密资产中。就加密货币而言,现货交易是直接购买或出售比特币、以太币、BNB 等加密货币。
要进行保证金交易,投资者必须提供一些抵押品,即保证金。例如,如果交易者想以 10:1 的杠杆率交易 10,000 美元,则交易者需要提供 1,000 美元作为抵押品。
此外,币安为用户提供多种保证金交易模式,可根据其预期交易策略进行选择,包括 全仓保证金 、 全仓保证金专业模式 和 逐仓保证金。
1. 现货交易过程更简单,风险更容易管理
The rules around risks and rewards are much easier to grasp: how much you buy of a cryptocurrency is exactly how much you can lose. So if you buy $1000 of BTC, you then run the possibility of losing $1000, but you also have the chance to make potential gains as BTC appreciates.
2. Less risk than alternative trading methods, but also lower potential upside
A downside to spot trading is the potential gains that you may realize are never as much as alternative trading methods offer. Since margin and futures trading offer leverage, the upside is potentially much higher. That being said, all trading carries risk, and spot trading is no exception. Crypto markets are also generally more volatile than those for traditional assets.
1. Leveraged trading with margin amplifies both risk and reward
Users potentially increase their profits, but also increase the risk of losing their initial investment due to liquidations much faster when compared to spot trading.
2. Interest is charged on borrowed funds on margin
Margin also carries an additional cost of borrowing funds, in the form of hourly interest rates charged on the loan principal. Interest accrued every hour is added into the total debt of a margin account, which effectively reduces that account’s margin level and in turn, increases the risk level of that account.
3. Margin trading can be an effective hedging tool
Diversifying a portfolio with a hedged position against the market can protect against major market downturns.
All in all, the benefits of margin trading are best achieved in the hands of a prudent investor who actively uses the available risk management tools such as stop-limit orders to benefit from leveraged exposures while protecting one’s portfolio against losses.
Deciding why you are trading in crypto markets will help you determine your approach. Binance offers the tools and information to learn about cryptocurrencies and trade however one wishes. But in any case, invest with purpose, manage risks, and choose wisely!
Read the following helpful articles for more information about Binance Margin:
Binance Margin Trading Express Guide (Website)
How to Get Started with Margin Trading on Binance App
Binance Margin Level and Risk Control
How Are Liquidations Triggered on Binance Margin?
New Dynamic Interest Rate System for Binance Margin Trading
免责声明和风险警告: 数字资产价格受高市场风险和价格波动的影响。所提供的信息不构成任何形式的招揽或推荐或诱导购买或出售产品。您的投资价值可能会下跌或上涨,您可能无法收回投资金额。跨仓保证金有助于提供比普通保证金账户更高的杠杆,如果市场条件不利,更高的杠杆会造成更大的损失。用户的跨仓保证金头寸被非自愿清算的风险增加,从而可能造成损失。评论和分析不构成币安的承诺或保证。您对自己的投资决策负全部责任,币安对您可能遭受的任何损失概不负责。过去的表现并不是未来表现的可靠预测指标。您应该只投资您熟悉且了解风险的产品。在进行任何投资之前,您应该仔细考虑您的投资经验、财务状况、投资目标和风险承受能力,并咨询独立的财务顾问。本材料不应被视为财务建议。该产品可能不适用于某些国家/地区和某些用户。本内容不适用于受禁令/限制的用户/国家。有关更多信息,请参阅我们的 使用条款 和 风险警告 。要了解如何保护自己,请访问我们的 负责任交易页面 。