加密、区块链和更广泛的 Web3 空间的世界正在迅速扩张。
Cointelegraph 在巴黎 Proof of Talk 期间独家采访了 Amanda Cassatt。Cassatt 是领先的 Web3 营销公司 Serotonin 的创始人兼首席执行官。她曾担任 Consensys 的首席营销官,并讲述了她如何建立最成功的营销帝国之一,讲述 Web3 的故事。
卡萨特进军加密货币领域的旅程始于 2015 年,当时她是纽约的一名创始人,正在寻找支付解决方案。就在那时,她偶然发现了早期的以太坊聚会之一。
Cassatt 说,他们花了“一段时间”才向她解释以太坊背后的概念,因为当时没有以非技术人员“容易理解的方式”进行彻底或正确的解释。她补充说,意识到 Web3 可以成为“更高级金融体系”的“替代基础”让她大吃一惊:
“从根本上来说,它不是根据你的出生地将你锁定在一个系统中,而是可以构建许多不同的系统并相互竞争,并让人们选择加入这些系统 - 这似乎更好。”
最终,随着她在 Consensys 的职位逐渐成熟,她参与制定了一些解释。
然而,讲述一个相对新兴领域的故事,尤其是在 2015-2017 年间,情况则大不相同。
卡萨特解释说,像加密货币、比特币或以太坊这样的词语是不允许出现在任何付费平台上的,例如 Mailchimp、Google Ads 或 Facebook——这些 Meta 商业套件平台对于数字营销人员来说都是至关重要的。
A 2018 Cointelegraph news headline following Facebook's decision to ban cryptocurrency and initial coin offering adverts. Source: Cointelegraph
She said that there was no way to do standard Web2 style programmatic advertising that catered towards the emerging sector:
“We had to move away from this calcified model of what marketing is - marketers managing these big spends on Web2 ad platforms, because we literally weren't able to do that.”
According to the Serotonin CEO, there are three kinds of marketing: owned, earned and paid. What they focused on in the early days of Consensys was owned and earned.
“We basically couldn't do paid things other than event sponsorships and hosting events and stuff like that because the platforms didn't allow it, which was very cool because it meant we came back to our growth hacker roots.”
Seeing more paid growth marketing in the space is a “reflection of the space maturing,” which Cassatt considers a positive development.
Organizing the organizers
One of the most effective tactics she recalled employing on behalf of Consensys was building a network of meetup organizers. She described this as people who wanted to add the “Ethereum meetup organizer” title for a certain city to their identity.
“So we organized the organizers."
"We made sure they had the money for pizza and beer, or the culturally relevant equivalents," she said, "or that they had standard decks and presentation templates to kind of standardize and professionalize how they were speaking about projects.”
Cassatt said they eventually curated a roving content series of new DApps that would go on tour through all of the different meetups and pick up users and get feedback.
This meant there was always fresh and organic content, and that came with more efficiency of not having to organize every single meetup group ourselves.
“It’s a great metaphor for how to build an organic community in Web3."
“You make sure that you have a system that people want to opt into - an incentive framework with intrinsic and extrinsic motives. Plug people into that system, and empower them rather than having to come up with all the great ideas yourself as the marketer, then look around your community and see where there are sparks.”
Every company is a media company
Another visionary approach to the Web3 space, that can be applied to startups in a broader sense, is found in the way companies view the content they produce.
“I basically think of every startup as its own niche media company about its own subject matter.”
Cassatt said startups should consider themselves as that and have, for example, an email newsletter where it covers all of the developments going on in a certain topic or space.
The Consensys newsletter continues to provide updates about the Ethereum ecosystem, remaining an owned marketing offering for the firm. Source: Consensys
她谈到了她在 Consensys 的工作,他们在那里发布了有关“以太坊上发生的一切”的各种新闻通讯,以便人们为了编辑价值而阅读它们,而不仅仅是为了促进生产。
虽然身处 Web3 领域最具挑战性的方面之一(无论是营销人员、开发人员还是用户)是跟上快速的变化,但 Cassatt 还是提供了一些永恒的建议:
她说,这也意味着,与风险投资的 Web2 初创企业相比,该领域的初创企业培训或纪律和经验并不多。