Zeebu 是一家领先的电信行业 Web3 支付平台,它很高兴地宣布即将举行季度代币销毁活动,该活动由 ZBU Phoenix 协议及其创新的“ZBU 协议”管理。这一开创性举措在 DeFi 领域开创了先例。此举旨在彻底改变 DeFi 支付格局。
此次活动定于 2024 年 8 月 2 日举行 ,标志着第三次季度代币销毁,旨在大幅减少 ZBU 代币的流通供应量,加强 Zeebu 对维持价值、确保可持续增长和在加密经济学中树立新标准的承诺。
Zeebu 使用先进的区块链技术,使电信运营商及其合作伙伴的电信结算更快、更安全、成本更低。该网络采用智能合约来自动化和简化交易,确保准确性和透明度,并降低运营成本。该平台经过精心构建,允许电信公司无缝集成,而无需大量开发工作。
自 2023 年 7 月推出以来,Zeebu 已处理了令人印象深刻的 30 亿美元交易,表明电信运营商对 Zeebu 平台和 ZBU 代币的信任和采用日益增加。ZBU Phoenix 协议通过加强其代币经济学并推动生态系统的可持续增长,在这一成功中发挥着至关重要的作用。随着 ZBU 协议的推出,Zeebu 也朝着进一步去中心化迈出了下一步。
ZBU Phoenix 协议:为加密经济学树立新标准
ZBU 凤凰协议引入了一种变革性的加密货币经济学方法,每季度战略性地减少总供应量的很大一部分。这一创新过程反映了神话中的凤凰的再生周期,象征着重生、更新和持久的价值。
该协议的核心是,对用于交易的 ZBU 代币实施系统化销毁机制。此过程可有效管理代币供应,保持 ZBU 作为电信行业结算媒介的有效性。通过确保代币经济的平衡,Phoenix 协议解决了加密货币生态系统中的潜在挑战。
Zeebu 致力于打造可持续、高效的区块链结算系统,这一理念正是这一理念的体现。ZBU Phoenix 协议不仅保留了 ZBU 的功能价值,还让 Zeebu 处于电信领域创新金融技术的前沿。
In February 2024, Zeebu conducted its first quarterly burn, processing $714 million in transactions and burning 236 million ZBU which represented 4.73% of the maximum supply. The second quarterly burn in May 2024 saw a substantial increase, with Zeebu processing over $1 billion in transactions and burning 239 million ZBU, marking a remarkable 46.1% growth in transaction volume.
The third quarterly burn in August 2024 is a significant event for the Zeebu ecosystem, projected to process over $1.50 billion in transactions—an approximate 50% increase from the previous quarter.
Reflecting on this growth, Keshav Pandya, COO and co-founder of Zeebu, commented: “Each burn event is a milestone in Zeebu’s evolution. The consistent growth in transaction volume and the amount of tokens burned demonstrate the increasing utility and trust in our platform. Our innovative approach ensures a stable and reliable presence for ZBU, safeguarding its effectiveness and fostering long-term growth.”
In addition to the burn event, Zeebu is taking its next step towards further decentralization with the launch of the ZBU Protocol, an innovative initiative designed to revolutionize decentralized finance (DeFi).
Zeebu Plans to Launch the ‘ZBU Protocol’: Unlocking $196M in Potential Rewards for B2B Settlements
Building on its commitment to decentralization, Zeebu proudly announces the upcoming launch of the ZBU Protocol, poised to become the largest liquidity protocol for B2B settlements. This innovative protocol empowers diverse stakeholders – from Delegators and Deployers to On-Demand Liquidity Providers (OLPs) – by offering substantial annual percentage yields (APY) through Protocol Rewards.
The ZBU Protocol introduces key features that promise to revolutionize B2B settlements. Participants can stake ZBU in the VeZBU pool and provide liquidity in Balancer Pools upon launch, unlocking access to significant Protocol Rewards.
With a projected settlement volume of $14 billion over the next 12 months, participants can anticipate Protocol Rewards totaling approximately $196 million.
Adding to this, Raj Brahmbhatt, CEO and founder of Zeebu, stated, “With the ZBU Protocol, we’re unlocking the full potential of DeFi, supporting larger-use cases and real-world applications that will bring tangible value to institutions, businesses, and individuals alike. This milestone marks a significant step forward in our mission to bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized innovation, and we’re excited to see the transformative impact it will have on the industry.”
The ZBU Phoenix Protocol and ZBU Protocol are designed to evolve symbiotically, driving liquidity, settlement efficiency, and decentralization, forming a robust trust network essential for future growth and stability.
“ZBU Phoenix 协议和 ZBU 协议的融合标志着我们构建强大而充满活力的生态系统的重要里程碑。我们的社区是我们成功的支柱,我们的协议旨在让每一位参与者都能做出贡献并蓬勃发展。我们共同为所有人创造更光明的金融未来。” —— Zeebu 首席运营官兼联合创始人 Keshav Pandya。
关于 Zeebu
Zeebu 是一个专为电信运营商行业设计的尖端支付和结算平台,利用区块链技术实现综合金融解决方案。
通过创建一个去中心化、透明的语音流量交换生态系统,Zeebu 解决了电信批发语音行业中效率低下、不透明和信任问题等传统挑战。
Zeebu 凭借其快速的结算时间、消除中介机构和忠诚度代币奖励,为电信结算的效率、成本效益和透明度设立了新的标准。
您可以通过阅读我们的白皮书(此处)了解有关 Zeebu 的更多信息。