
风险投资正在流入 Solana 生态系统 | 观点


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在 FTX 黑天鹅事件发生后,Solana 的表现超出了所有人的预期,其原生代币的价格暴跌至个位数。现在,它已经不再是不可能成功的失败者。随着 VanEck 最近申请成立 Solana (SOL) 交易所交易基金,Solana 正在敲开大联盟的大门。

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但是,是什么让 Solana 如此强大,以至于 Pantera Capital 称其为“区块链的 macOS”?这一切都归结于用户体验。Solana 可能是最面向消费者的区块链,它寻求在中间满足用户,甚至有时抽象出其链上功能。

Solana 的单体区块链架构

与以太坊和 Cosmos 等模块化区块链不同,Solana 网络的单片设计允许垂直集成。这种设计优化了每个区块链组件,从而带来了无缝的用户体验,就像 Apple 的操作系统一样。

这种架构使 Solana 能够处理高吞吐量和低交易费用。这两者都是去中心化金融应用、去中心化物理基础设施网络 (DePIN) 以及许多其他低摩擦区块链应用(例如最近推出的 Blinks)的关键因素。由于优化了整个堆栈,Solana 成为对开发人员和用户都有吸引力的平台,促进了网络上零售活动和去中心化交易所 (DEX) 交易量的激增。因此,Solana 的活跃用户数量和交易量都出现了增长,使其成为领先的区块链。


Solana 的增长显而易见,其唯一活跃地址从 2020 年 10 月的 14,000 个增加到今天的近 134 万个。优先费也从 2023 年年中的每月不到 100,000 美元跃升至 2024 年 3 月的 6000 多万美元。Solana 上的 DEX 交易量份额也大幅上升,从 2021 年初的 0% 上升到 2024 年 5 月的 24% 以上,而截至 2024 年 5 月,DEX 上所有新代币的 85% 都基于 Solana。

解释这些链上增长趋势相当容易。Solana 已成为创建新代币和 meme 币的热门选择。Solana 的易用性,加上速度快和交易费用低,使其成为普通交易者的首选目的地。毫无疑问,Telegram 交易机器人的流行推动了 Solana 链上的爆炸式增长,Dogwifhat (WIF) 等社区驱动的 meme 代币的市值已达到数十亿美元。


It would be short-sighted to attribute all of Solana’s growth and future promise to the money markets. Sure enough, platforms like MarginFi and Jupiter are pushing the envelope for simple defi products that don’t require users to have deep pockets in order to gain a meaningful edge in the trading experience. But Solana has proven itself to be capable of so much more.

Perhaps that explains why Pantera Capital just concluded a raise for a new fund aimed at purchasing up to $250 million worth of SOL tokens (at a significant discount since the tokens are from the FTX bankruptcy estate). This came on the heels of a mega investment decision in April by Pantera Capital and Galaxy Trading to buy around 30 million locked SOL tokens with a cumulative value of $1.9 billion.

Even though the price of SOL has risen over 723% in the past year, Solana provides many opportunities for venture capitalists outside of speculating on the SOL token. One thing has become clear: crypto-adjacent technologies and digital systems that otherwise integrate web3 functionalities are closer to home for the average user than blockchain-native products. Solana is already one of the most widely used blockchain networks and is firmly charting a course to take crypto products to mainstream consumers.

Why venture capital is bullish on Solana

If the Apple comparisons ring true, Solana would have succeeded in giving users refined web3 use cases that change how we communicate, transact, and create. From real estate to digital networks, from AI systems to identity verification services, there is no shortage of such projects being built on Solana. Privasea, for instance, is a technology that attests to human liveness to protect the digital presence of real people from bots and AI impersonations. With deep fakes, sybil activity, and other forms of digital fraud becoming more rampant than ever, solutions like Privasea are addressing a necessary aspect of daily life.

Another fine example is Grass, a layer built on Solana that is designed to give users control of the rails by which data itself is acquired for AI. The implication of its success would be to disrupt the billion-dollar AI industry, where only a handful of players have sufficient computing resources to crawl the entire internet. With over two million users already, Grass currently boasts the ability to fine-tune specific AI models and inform certain types of real-time inference. It is projected that, by the time Grass hits 25 million users, it will be capable of crawling enough data to train ChatGPT from scratch on a weekly basis!

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最后要说的是,批评者指出,Solana 的网络中断历史是一个利空因素。当然,这种观点没有考虑到明年将推出一项名为 Firedancer 的重大升级。目前,精简版正在推出,以逐步提高网络对抗拥塞的能力。各种情况正在密谋让 Solana 成为新一代区块链用户的家园,打开尚未开发的市场并振兴流行的市场。因此,风险投资家早早加入并进行战略性长期投资才有意义。

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作者:Tim Haldorsson

Tim Haldorsson

是加密货币增长机构 Lunar Strategy 的首席执行官。Tim 于 2017 年首次踏入加密货币世界,从此一发不可收拾。现在,Tom 为多家知名加密货币出版物撰稿,并且一直热衷于谈论有关加密货币的一切。

热点:投资 流入 观点 风险

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