
礼品卡将寄到 Polkadot 应用程序上



昨天,双方宣布建立合作伙伴关系,通过该合作伙伴关系,人们可以直接在 Polkadot 应用程序上购买礼品卡。


此次合作将为 Polkadot 应用程序带来礼品卡

使这成为可能的是 Raise 和 Parity Technologies 之间的合作。

该计划的目标是让人们更轻松、更有效地使用加密货币进行日常交易。事实上,只需点击几下鼠标,就可以在 Polkadot 应用程序上购买礼品卡。

从技术上讲,它是 Raise 礼品卡基础设施的白标支付 API 在 Polkadot 应用程序中的集成。这将允许直接在应用程序中购买礼品卡,并使用 Polkadot 的原生加密货币 DOT 付款。

此外,还可以获得高达 20% 的 DOT 现金返还。

Raise 的作用

这样,Raise 就成为 Polkadot 移动应用程序的支付提供商。

事实上,Raise 是礼品卡领域的重要支付提供商。


此外,其基础设施直接集成到许多领先品牌的 PoS(销售点)中,提供无缝的支付体验,同时还提供所有购买的现金返还。

该公司成立于 2012 年,多年来已促成超过 100 亿美元的交易。

通过与 Parity Technologies 的合作,Raise 旨在弥合加密货币领域与零售业之间的差距。Raise 制定了雄心勃勃的计划,以扩大其在加密货币领域的影响力,并将在未来几个月内实现更多的区块链整合。

事实上,该公司还致力于在未来让其支付 API 可供所有非托管 Polkadot 钱包使用。


Parity 技术

Parity Technologies 是一家重要的区块链基础设施公司。


一切始于以太坊,但后来 Parity 专注于行业标准区块链框架 Substrate。正是由于 Substrate,它才创建了 Polkadot,这是一个去中心化的区块链元协议,旨在连接和保护各种加密生态系统。

Parity 事实上是由 Gavin Wood 和其他四人于 2015 年以 EthCore 的名义创立的,并在几年后领导了 Polkadot 项目的创建。

Currently, he is the main contributor to the Polkadot blockchain. Its CEO is Björn Wagner, while Gavin Wood is the Chief Architect. Wood was also one of the co-founders of the Ethereum project.

The Polkadot ecosystem

Polkadot is a crypto project born in 2020 with the goal of creating a meta-blockchain capable of enabling interaction between different blockchains.

This is a very ambitious project, and very difficult to complete from a technical point of view.

For this reason, its development seems to be proceeding slowly, as there is still much to be done and development in a decentralized environment cannot be particularly fast.

In fact, the release of the Polkadot app has not yet occurred, even though it is expected in this same third quarter of 2024.

The app, thanks to Raise, will allow users to make purchases at USA retailers using the native cryptocurrency DOT without ever having to leave the app. Additionally, by the end of the year, Raise and Parity intend to expand these capabilities internationally.

DOT to pay for Gift Cards on the Polkadot app

The price of DOT, however, has been suffering for a while now.

It has even slipped to the 14th place among the cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization, after previously being in the top 10. Now it capitalizes less than Shiba Inu.

Having landed on the markets in 2020, it was able to take advantage of the great bullrun of 2021 to record a historic high of $55 thanks to a speculative bubble that then, of course, burst.

It is not to be excluded, however, that sooner or later another one may inflate, or that over time the price may slowly rise back to those levels.

Currently it is down 88% from the highs, with a price just above $6 which is not much higher than the bottom of the bear-market of 2022. Moreover, in 2023 it fell further, so much so that it has only been above $4 since the end of October last year.

This year it managed to climb up to $11.5, but later it ended up stabilizing below $6.5.

The comments on the initiative

Regarding the partnership with Parity Technologies, the founder and CEO of Raise, George Bousis, stated:

“For too long, cryptocurrencies and traditional trading have remained in silos. Raise published its first white paper on blockchain in 2015 detailing a better way to enable customers to transact with businesses, but technological constraints prevented this evolution from happening. Polkadot’s blockchain provides the necessary technical support to finally bring our vision to life. Together, we are making it easier and more rewarding for people to use their cryptocurrencies for everyday transactions. We couldn’t be more excited to collaborate with the Parity team and we look forward to showing how cryptocurrencies can be seamlessly integrated with retail and e-commerce in the future.”

The co-founder and CEO of Parity Technologies, Björn Wagner, added:

“当我第一次在 2021 年见到 George 和 Raise 团队时,我立即被他们通过礼品卡平台解锁加密货币在零售销售中的使用的愿景所打动。从那时起,我们一直在孜孜不倦地合作,我为我们通过这种整合所取得的一切感到自豪,它使我们生态系统中的所有 DOT 持有者都可以在传统商业系统中使用他们的资产。与 Raise 的合作为传统电子商务开辟了一个全新的受众群体,这只是我们未来计划的开始。”


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