
Insights from a Seasoned Cryptocurrency Trader




Insights from a Seasoned Cryptocurrency Trader

Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with a prominent cryptocurrency trader over tea. He shared his journey from starting with 400,000 yuan, losing 80,000 yuan, to now holding assets worth over 10 million yuan. His secret to success? Persistent learning and continuously improving his understanding of the market. Here are five key lessons he shared:

1. Don't Rush to Stop Loss in Early Trading Dips:

Early trading plunges often result from an overreaction to bad news from the previous night. Instead of rushing to stop loss, wait for the market to stabilize and reverse. Avoid chasing late rises, as market leaders might manipulate the end of the trading day to absorb funds and open low the next day.

2. Use Trading Volume to Gauge Market Trends:

Trading volume is a crucial technical indicator. When volume decreases during a rise, it indicates strong market control by major players.

3. Understand Sector Top Structures:

Sector markets typically move in five waves: initial attraction, adjustment, main rise, complex divergence, and final pull. The largest gains occur in the third wave, followed by the first wave, with the fifth wave seeing the smallest rise.

4. Watch for Acceleration at Market Tops:

Market acceleration at the top often signals a reversal. If altcoins in a sector rise sharply, it may trigger a broader market reversal. Observe whether leading currencies stop falling and start rebounding.

5. Focus on One Strategy:

Novices should concentrate on mastering one trading strategy rather than juggling multiple ones. Greed can lead to losses, and switching strategies without thorough understanding invites market punishment.

As an investor, it's essential to balance the pursuit of high returns with careful risk assessment and rational investment decisions. Follow my page for daily bull market strategies!

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