币安发布了其 2024 年半年报告,从中可以看出加密货币市场正在扩张,甚至在意大利也是如此。
该报告涉及截至 6 月 30 日的今年上半年,由该公司负责研究的部门币安研究 (Binance Research) 编写。币安是全球主要的加密货币交易所。
最能证明 2024 年上半年加密货币市场扩张程度的数据是整体资本化增长了 37.3%。
不过,币安的报告还指出,2024 年的增长主要发生在第一季度,此前 2023 年的表现非常出色,但随后陷入停滞。
币安研究院的报告还强调,由于第四次减半和美国批准现货 ETF 等事件,比特币的表现优于传统资产,人们对比特币的兴趣显著增长。
尤其是这最新的事件,为比特币市场带来了超过 147 亿美元的净流入,为 2024 年的良好开端做出了贡献。
与 2023 年同期相比,以太坊和比特币分别录得 48% 和 43% 的正收益,跑赢主要股指。例如,黄金仅上涨了 13%,而原油自年初以来上涨了约 14%。
事实上,2024 年上半年 TVL(总锁定价值)总体大幅增长了 72.8%,达到 941 亿美元。
据币安研究院称,这一惊人的资本流入对 DeFi 的各个领域都产生了积极影响,促进了新协议的出现,使得以前无法访问的金融工具可以在链上使用。
这件事非常重要,因为整个山寨币行业都依赖于去中心化金融,以及各种项目的营销,因此,从可能的山寨币季节来看,DeFi 的复苏是一个好兆头。
The overall market capitalization of stablecoins has risen to 161 billion dollars, which is only 14.5% less than the all-time high of April 2022.
Although stablecoins do not have an interesting price trend, since in theory their value should remain stable, their capitalization varies, and when it grows it actually ends up favoring the increase of liquidity in the crypto markets.
The increase of 2024 from this point of view highlights how even the crypto market itself has awakened after the torpor it had fallen into with the bear-market of 2022.
An interesting sector to analyze is that of Artificial Intelligence, and in particular the relationship with the crypto world.
The report by Binance Research points out how the convergence between AI technologies and crypto is increasingly evident, with artificial intelligence benefiting from the permissionless and trustless system of criptovalute.
In this way, decentralized computing systems, AI agents capable of complex tasks, and solutions for identity verification are made possible. Additionally, AI enhances the experience of crypto users and developers, with new features and automations.
Not by chance in the first half of 2024 the tokens linked to AI recorded a total market value of over 26 billion dollars.
The last point addressed by the report is the one concerning gaming.
Bina ce Research points out that, despite the decrease in the market capitalization of gaming project tokens in the second quarter, the Web3 gaming sector actually recorded significant growth in terms of users, highlighting its potential for continued expansion and innovation.
In fact, in March the overall market capitalization of crypto gaming tokens reached a peak of about 32 billion dollars, while currently it stands at about 17.8 billion dollars. For now, Web3 gaming still represents only 0.7% of the total capitalization of the digital asset industry.
It is therefore not surprising that in such a context, venture capital investors have shown a significant interest in Web3 gaming. According to Konvoy’s Q1 2024 Gaming Industry Report, venture capital funding increased by 94% compared to the last quarter of 2023, and the growing interest of investors in Web3 gaming projects could be a sign that “Web3 gaming” might even become synonymous with “gaming”.
The market in Italy for the crypto exchange Binance
The CEO of Binance Italy, the Italian branch of Binance operational since September 2022 in Italy, Gianluigi Guida, stated that 2024 is shaping up to be the year of the maturation of crypto-assets.
He said:
“我们正处于数字资产未来的关键时期,币安的常规半年度报告强调了几个关键主题,这些主题可能会在下半年引领和塑造该行业的下一个关键发展。其中包括机构采用率的提高、美国宏观经济状况的演变、比特币可扩展性的进步、DeFi 的增长,以及“所有权经济应用”的兴起——这些应用与以用户为中心的经济有关,用户直接拥有和控制他们的数据和数字资产,现实世界资产的代币化,以及 Web3 游戏的增加”。
币安在意大利拥有一支由 Gianluigi Guida 领导的持续扩张专家团队,并与当地机构和协会合作,推动区块链和加密货币领域的监管,以确保其正确使用和发展。