
SHIB Coin Burn Rate Surges


SHIB coin burning rate surges by 161540.53%SHIB priceSHIB coin is a high-profile meme coin and the second largest currency in the cryptocurrency market. The development team has been actively participating in various initiatives such as Dogecoin burning.The rate at which SHIB coins are burned has been fluctuating, with some days higher amounts being burned and other days less. However, the rate of burning has been dramatic lately, with billions burning on some days.According to the latest data from Shibburn, SHIB coin burn rate surged by 161,540.53% amid positive market conditions.SHIB coin burning rate increased by 161540.53%Data from Shibburn shows that 8,593,932,621 Dogecoins have been sent to abandoned wallets in the past 24 hours. In a large transaction that occurred 5 hours ago, 8,533,564,693 SHIB coins were sent to the abandoned wallet.The surge in burn rate has given the SHIB coin community a breather, mitigating the decline in burn rate. The surge in burn rate occurred during a better period for SHIB coin relative to the past few weeks.After a surge in burn rates, data from Coinmarketcap shows Dogecoin trading at $0.00001064, up 3.5% in the past 24 hours.For more analysis, pay attention to the universe, and share free daily spot passwords and bull market strategy layouts for free! SHIBCOINBURNRATESURGES


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